
PHP 5.3 OOP interface to the Twitter API

Primary LanguagePHP

PHP 5.3 Twitter Client

By Jonathan H. Wage

Class Loader

First we need to setup the class loader to load the classes of the Twitter library:

require 'lib/Twitter/ClassLoader.php';

$classLoader = new \Twitter\ClassLoader('Twitter');

Intialize Client

Use the HTTP client:

$client = new \Twitter\Client\HTTP('username', 'password');

Or you can use the OAuth client:

$client = new \Twitter\Client\OAuth('consumer_key', 'consumer_secret');


The API of the twitter client is organize in the same way as the Twitter API itself. The calls are split into groups so we have classes for each group.

All that is required is you instantiate it and pass the instance of a client to use.

You can use the base Api to issue requests manually, but it is recommended you use the specific API described in the next sections.

Here is an example where we manually use the Api class to issue requests:

$api = new \Twitter\Api($client);
$results = $api->post('statuses/update', array('status' => 'my new status'));

This is the same as doing this:

$statuses = new \Twitter\Api\Statuses($client);
$statuses->updateStatus('my new status');


Instantiate an instance:

$account = new \Twitter\Api\Account($client);

Below are the methods available:

  • $account->verify($username = null, $password = null)
  • $account->getRateLimitStatus()
  • $account->endSession()
  • $account->updateDeliveryDevice($device)
  • $account->updateProfileColors($colors)
  • $account->updateProfileImage($imagePath)
  • $account->updateProfileBackgroundImage($imagePath, $tile = false)
  • $account->updateProfile(array $profile)


Instantiate an instance:

$blocks = new \Twitter\Api\Blocks($client);

Below are the methods available:

  • $blocks->blockUser($username)
  • $blocks->deleteBlock($username)
  • $blocks->isBlocking($username)
  • $blocks->getBlockedUsers()
  • $blocks->getBlockedIds()

Direct Messages

Instantiate an instance:

$dms = new \Twitter\Api\DirectMessages($client);

Below are the methods available:

  • $dms->getMostRecent()
  • $dms->getSent()
  • $dms->sendMessage($to, $message)
  • $dms->deleteMessage($id)


Instantiate an instance:

$favorites = new \Twitter\Api\Favorites($client);

Below are the methods available:

  • $favorites->getMostRecent($username = null)
  • $favorites->createFavorite($id)
  • $favorites->deleteFavorite($id)


Instantiate an instance:

$friendships = new \Twitter\Api\Friendships($client);

Below are the methods available:

  • $friendships->follow($username)
  • $friendships->unfollow($username)
  • $friendships->exists($usernameA, $usernameB = null)
  • $friendships->isFollowing($username)
  • $friendships->isFollowedBy($username)
  • $friendships->getFriendship($usernameA, $usernameB = null)

List Members

Instantiate an instance:

$listMembers = new \Twitter\Api\ListMembers($client);

Below are the methods available:

  • $listMembers->getMembers($id)
  • $listMembers->addMember($id, $username)
  • $listMembers->deleteMember($id, $username)
  • $listMembers->isMember($id, $username = null)


Instantiate an instance:

$lists = new \Twitter\Api\Lists($client);

Below are the methods available:

  • $lists->createList($name, $mode = 'public')
  • $lists->updateList($id, $name, $mode = 'public')
  • $lists->getLists($username = null)
  • $lists->getList($id, $username = null)
  • $lists->deleteList($id)
  • $lists->getStatuses($id, $username = null)
  • $lists->getMemberships($username = null)
  • $lists->getSubscriptions($username = null)

List Subscribers

Instantiate an instance:

$listSubscribers = new \Twitter\Api\ListSubscribers($client);

Below are the methods available:

  • $listSubscribers->getSubscribers($id)
  • $listSubscribers->subscribe($id)
  • $listSubscribers->unsubscribe($id)
  • $listSubscribers->isSubscriber($id, $username = null)


Instantiate an instance:

$notifications = new \Twitter\Api\Notifications($client);

Below are the methods available:

  • $notifications->enable($username)
  • $notifications->disable($username)

Saved Searches

Instantiate an instance:

$savedSearches = new \Twitter\Api\SavedSearches($client);

Below are the methods available:

  • $savedSearches->getSavedSearches()
  • $savedSearches->getSavedSearch($id)
  • $savedSearches->createSavedSearch($query)
  • $savedSearches->deleteSavedSearch($id)

Social Graph

Instantiate an instance:

$socialGraph = new \Twitter\Api\SocialGraph($client);

Below are the methods available:

  • $socialGraph->getFriendIds($username = null)
  • $socialGraph->getFollowerIds($username = null)


Instantiate an instance:

$statuses = new \Twitter\Api\Statuses($client);

Below are the methods available:

  • $statuses->getPublicTimeline()
  • $statuses->getFriendsTimeline()
  • $statuses->getUserTimeline()
  • $statuses->getMentions()
  • $statuses->getStatus($id)
  • $statuses->updateStatus($status)
  • $statuses->deleteStatus($id)
  • $statuses->getUserFriends($username)
  • $statuses->getUserFollowers($username)


Instantiate an instance:

$search = new \Twitter\Api\Search($client);

Below are the methods available:

  • $search->find($q, $options = array(), $iteratePages = false)
  • $search->getTrends()
  • $search->getCurrentTrends($excludeHashTags = false)
  • $search->getDailyTrends(\DateTime $date, $excludeHashTags = false)
  • $search->getWeeklyTrends(\DateTime $date, $excludeHashTags = false)