
Distributed cron using redis

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Mani Build Status

Mani is a distribued cron like scheduler. It uses redis to acquire lock on jobs (ensuring a job runs on one node only) and determining when to run the job next.

🍊 Battle-tested at Instacart


pip install mani


from mani import Mani
clock = Mani("redis://localhost:6379/")

def foo():
  print("running foo every minute")

@clock.every(weeks=1, at="mon 19:00:00")
def bar():
  print("running bar every week on monday")

@clock.every(hours=1, at="25:00")
def baz():
  print("running baz hourly on the 25th minute"

@clock.every(days=1, at="13:00:00")
def qux():
  print("running qux daily at 1 pm")

Run on specific timezone (Respects Daylight Savings 🎉)

import pytz
from mani import Mani

config = {
  "timezone": pytz.timezone('US/Pacific')
clock = Mani("redis://localhost:6379/", config)

def foo():
  print("running foo every minute")

@clock.every(weeks=1, at="mon 19:00:00")
def bar():
  print("running bar every week on monday at 7 pm Pacific time")


Nov 2018 - Version 0.3 released with Python3 support 🚀