Issue H-1: MarginTrading.sol: Missing flash loan initiator check allows attacker to open trades, close trades and steal funds

Source: #34

Found by

0xHati, BAHOZ, Bauer, BowTiedOriole, CRYP70, Jiamin, Juntao, Quantish, Tendency, VAD37, alexzoid, carrotsmuggler, circlelooper, curiousapple, nobody2018, oot2k, pengun, qbs, roguereddwarf, rvierdiiev, sashik_eth, shaka, shogoki, smiling_heretic, theOwl


The MarginTrading.executeOperation function is called when a flash loan is made (and it can only be called by the lendingPool).

The wrong assumption by the protocol is that the flash loan can only be initiated by the MarginTrading contract itself.

However this is not true. A flash loan can be initiated for any receiverAddress.

This is actually a known mistake that devs make and the aave docs warn about this (although admittedly the warning is not very clear):


So an attacker can execute a flash loan with the MarginTrading contract as receiverAddress. Also the funds that are needed to pay back the flash loan are pulled from the receiverAddress and NOT from the initiator:

This means the attacker can close a position or repay a position in the MarginTrading contract.

By crafting a malicious swap, the attacker can even steal funds.

Vulnerability Detail

Let's assume there is an ongoing trade in a MarginTrading contract:

daiAToken balance = 30000
wethDebtToken balance = 10

The price of WETH when the trade was opened was ~ 3000 DAI

In order to profit from this the attacker does the following (not considering fees for simplicity):

  1. Take a flash loan of 30000 DAI with MarginTrading as receiverAddress with mode=0 (flash loan is paid back in the same transaction)
  2. Price of WETH has dropped to 2000 DAI. The attacker uses a malicious swap contract that pockets 10000 DAI for the attacker and swaps the remaining 20000 DAI to 10 WETH (the attacker can freely choose the swap contract in the _params of the flash loan).
  3. The 10 WETH debt is repaid
  4. Withdraw 30000 DAI from Aave to pay back the flash loan


The attacker can close trades, partially close trades and even steal funds.

(Note: It's not possible for the attacker to open trades because he cannot incur debt on behalf of the MarginTrading contract)

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


The fix is straightforward:

diff --git a/dodo-margin-trading-contracts/contracts/marginTrading/MarginTrading.sol b/dodo-margin-trading-contracts/contracts/marginTrading/MarginTrading.sol
index f68c1f3..5b4b485 100644
--- a/dodo-margin-trading-contracts/contracts/marginTrading/MarginTrading.sol
+++ b/dodo-margin-trading-contracts/contracts/marginTrading/MarginTrading.sol
@@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ contract MarginTrading is OwnableUpgradeable, IMarginTrading, IFlashLoanReceiver
         address _initiator,
         bytes calldata _params
     ) external override onlyLendingPool returns (bool) {
+        require(_initiator == address(this));
         //decode params exe swap and deposit

This ensures that the flash loan has been initiated by the MarginTrading.executeFlashLoans function which is the intended initiator.



I agree with the severity and error of this issue

  •    require(_initiator == address(this));

We will adopt this recommendation to address the issue.


Escalate for 10 USDC I don't think the Vulnerability Detail of this report is correct. The key to this attack is the parameter. I wouldn't escalate it if it was a simple parameter. This is a complex parameter, especially when you want to steal the erc20 in MarginTrading or repay it and then steal the collateral. To repay for MarginTrading, the most important thing is: in the code of aave pool, msg.sender must be a borrower, that is, the MarginTrading contract itself. For detailed parameter encoding, see #69 and #74.

This escalatation is not intended to invalidate this issue. The purposes are as follows:

  1. A best report usually comes from a big name. But in fact it is not the best. Should non-best reports appear in the final report?
  2. I am thinking whether the report submitted in the future should be as simple as possible, which saves a lot of time. If a problem leads to an online attack specific to the protocol, I always describe its steps as clearly as possible in the report. However, it seems like this doesn't make sense.
  3. This is also a question that has been confusing everyone, and has not been answered. This is about multiple significant effects caused by the same code. Should separate reports be submitted or should different impacts be merged into one report? Some impacts cause DOS, some cause the core function logic to be destroyed, and the more serious one is the loss of funds.
  4. In the judge contest, many reports may be classified just by looking at the title (this is my guess). Because the number of submissions is huge, it will make the judge too tired. Is the judge's bonus too small?
  5. Are we doing security audit or functional audit? What is sherlock more concerned about?


Escalate for 10 USDC I don't think the Vulnerability Detail of this report is correct. The key to this attack is the parameter. I wouldn't escalate it if it was a simple parameter. This is a complex parameter, especially when you want to steal the erc20 in MarginTrading or repay it and then steal the collateral. To repay for MarginTrading, the most important thing is: in the code of aave pool, msg.sender must be a borrower, that is, the MarginTrading contract itself. For detailed parameter encoding, see #69 and #74.

This escalatation is not intended to invalidate this issue. The purposes are as follows:

  1. A best report usually comes from a big name. But in fact it is not the best. Should non-best reports appear in the final report?
  2. I am thinking whether the report submitted in the future should be as simple as possible, which saves a lot of time. If a problem leads to an online attack specific to the protocol, I always describe its steps as clearly as possible in the report. However, it seems like this doesn't make sense.
  3. This is also a question that has been confusing everyone, and has not been answered. This is about multiple significant effects caused by the same code. Should separate reports be submitted or should different impacts be merged into one report? Some impacts cause DOS, some cause the core function logic to be destroyed, and the more serious one is the loss of funds.
  4. In the judge contest, many reports may be classified just by looking at the title (this is my guess). Because the number of submissions is huge, it will make the judge too tired. Is the judge's bonus too small?
  5. Are we doing security audit or functional audit? What is sherlock more concerned about?

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You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.


The escalation aims to seek clarity, which is very important, recommend composing a thoughtful response on sherlock end and accept the escalation no matter what the response is!


Result: High Has duplicates The questions raised on the escalations are not relevant here and will be considered and addressed separately


Escalations have been resolved successfully!

Escalation status:


fix pr:


Mitigation Review: The root cause of this issue was a missing check that only a flash loan initiated by the MarginTrading contract can call the MarginTrading.executeOperation function.

The fix recommended by the Watson has been implemented and the issue is now fixed.

Issue M-1: MarginTrading.sol: The whole balance and not just the traded funds are deposited into Aave when a trade is opened

Source: #72

Found by



It's expected by the protocol that funds can be in the MarginTrading contract without being deposited into Aave as margin.

We can see this by looking at the MarginTradingFactory.depositMarginTradingETH and MarginTradingFactory.depositMarginTradingERC20 functions.

If the user sets margin=false as the parameter, the funds are only sent to the MarginTrading contract but NOT deposited into Aave.

So clearly there is the expectation for funds to be in the MarginTrading contract that should not be deposited into Aave.

This becomes an issue when a trade is opened.

Vulnerability Detail

Let's look at the MarginTrading._openTrade function that is called when a trade is opened:

The whole balance of the token will be deposited into Aave:

_tradeAmounts[i] = IERC20(_tradeAssets[i]).balanceOf(address(this)); 
_lendingPoolDeposit(_tradeAssets[i], _tradeAmounts[i], 1); 

Not just those funds that have been acquired by the swap. This means that funds that should stay in the MarginTrading contract might also be deposited as margin.


When opening a trade funds can be deposited into Aave unintentionally. Thereby the funds act as margin and the trade can incur a larger loss than expected.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


It is necessary to differentiate the funds that are acquired by the swap and those funds that were there before and should stay in the contract:

diff --git a/dodo-margin-trading-contracts/contracts/marginTrading/MarginTrading.sol b/dodo-margin-trading-contracts/contracts/marginTrading/MarginTrading.sol
index f68c1f3..42f96cf 100644
--- a/dodo-margin-trading-contracts/contracts/marginTrading/MarginTrading.sol
+++ b/dodo-margin-trading-contracts/contracts/marginTrading/MarginTrading.sol
@@ -261,6 +261,10 @@ contract MarginTrading is OwnableUpgradeable, IMarginTrading, IFlashLoanReceiver
         bytes memory _swapParams,
         address[] memory _tradeAssets
     ) internal {
+        int256[] memory _amountsBefore = new uint256[](_tradeAssets.length);
+        for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tradeAssets.length; i++) {
+            _amountsBefore[i] = IERC20(_tradeAssets[i]).balanceOf(address(this));
+        }
         if (_swapParams.length > 0) {
             // approve to swap route
             for (uint256 i = 0; i < _swapApproveToken.length; i++) {
@@ -272,8 +276,10 @@ contract MarginTrading is OwnableUpgradeable, IMarginTrading, IFlashLoanReceiver
         uint256[] memory _tradeAmounts = new uint256[](_tradeAssets.length);
         for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tradeAssets.length; i++) {
-            _tradeAmounts[i] = IERC20(_tradeAssets[i]).balanceOf(address(this));
-            _lendingPoolDeposit(_tradeAssets[i], _tradeAmounts[i], 1);
+            if (_amountsBefore[i] < IERC20(_tradeAssets[i]).balanceOf(address(this))) {
+                _tradeAmounts[i] = IERC20(_tradeAssets[i]).balanceOf(address(this)) - _amountsBefore[i];
+                _lendingPoolDeposit(_tradeAssets[i], _tradeAmounts[i], 1);
+            }
         emit OpenPosition(_swapAddress, _swapApproveToken, _tradeAssets, _tradeAmounts);

If funds that were in the contract prior to the swap should be deposited there is the separate MarginTrading.lendingPoolDeposit function to achieve this.



In terms of product design, users do not have a separate concept of balance. However, the contract is designed to be more flexible and allows for balances to be maintained. Users will not perceive or interact with balances in terms of user experience or operations.


Based on the smart contract logic there is clearly the notion of balance that is not intended to be used as collateral (but e.g. used to repay a loan). If this notion of a separate balance is not exposed on the front-end this is not a sufficient mitigation of the issue since the issue is clearly present in the smart contract.


Escalate for 10 USDC This is valid low/info as stated by the sponsor. No bad impact.


Escalate for 10 USDC This is valid low/info as stated by the sponsor. No bad impact.

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can consider #80 duplicate of this one


Result: Medium Has duplicates Considering this issue as valid medium based on the above comments from smart contract perspective and enforcing in the front end is not a mitigation as mentioned above.


Escalations have been resolved successfully!

Escalation status:


In fact we need tokens are deposited in aave. We suppose users use frontend to operate their assets and frontend will ensure all assets will be deposited in aave. If there are tokens left, users could deposit them in aave by themselves. So we think this design is not a problem.


Interpreting sponsor's comment as "Won't Fix."


Mitigation Review: While Sherlock considers this a valid "Medium", the sponsor decided that there is no need to implement a fix.