
Couple goal setting app Full Stacks React & NodeJS with Cloud and DevOps pipeline

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Video Demo (Junior Dev SG Programme Presentation 2023)


Presentation Slides

JDSG- CoupleGoals.pdf

Frontend (netlify) : https://couplegoals.netlify.app/

Backend (heroku) : - removed due to updated cost -

GitLab DevOps : https://gitlab.com/shermainelim

Transforming Web to Mobile React Native : https://github.com/shermainelim/CoupleGoalsMobile

Notes : https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/


Description: A goal setting app that allows couples to set and track shared goals, such as saving money for house, vacation, starting a business or learning a new language. The app can include features like progress trackers, reminders , motivational messages to help couples stay on track.

These are a few ideas for private apps that couples can use to strengthen their relationship and deepen their connection.

System Architecture

Screenshot 2023-04-03 at 11 38 08 PM

Start Date: 27 March 2023 End Date: 10 Feb 2024

Tech stack:

Frontend: React (Shermaine)

Backend : NodeJS


Wrapper : Expo React Native

Notes: For some reason, for react native expo, was unable to connect redux toolkit to nodejs backend... the same code works exactly for react... UI/UX Design: Shermaine

Db design: Shermaine

Deployment: Apple Appstore. (Shermaine)

Infra and devops:

Notion : https://www.notion.so/CoupleGoals-Board-c00bfa36ad1b4fa0895499c17f6b135a

Github Repo: https://github.com/shermainelim/CoupleGoals

Features :

  • connection between 2 accs in 1 room

  • anniversary date

  • story

  • how many days tgt alr

  • birthday of both parties

  • other event days like xmas , new year etc

  • goal planner (shed weight)

  • fitness tracker

  • finance tracker (bto, vacation etc)

  • Build a event note stick it , with cheer up messages, love messages and picture memories. (feature)

  • adding color variation for cards

Todo List

  • CRUD Finance Tracker

  • CRUD Goal Tracker

  • Save and call data from mysql backend for Finance Tracker

  • Save and call data from mysql backend for Goal Tracker

  • Implement UI for Story/Event Stick it notes

  • CRUD Story/Event Stick it notes

  • Call Birthday/Anni Date data from db to Dashboard UI

  • Create custom alert messages with toast or custom component

  • Error handling (connection fail etc)

  • Establish connection between 2 accounts in 1 room lobby/couple space

  • Implement Login and Logout for First Person

  • Implement Login and Logout for Second Person

  • Implement Registration and validation logic

  • Setup Redux Toolkit state management for frontend

  • Setup backend db and nodejs connection to frontend

  • Implement UI screens for Welcome, Register, Login and Dashboard

  • T & C Data Privacy

  • Delete Couple Space

  • Forget password

  • Change password

  • Revamp UI to be web and mobile responsive

  • Async local storage username and couple space

  • Implement manual refresh icon and logic on dashboard for finance and goal tracker

  • Implement SMTP email for CRUD register , forget password and change password and delete couple space

  • Refactor code

  • wrap in react native webview for mobile use case

  • implement devops and infra

  • encrypt 2 passwords , how? and decrypt with bcrypt

  • deploy to App stores Apple and Android

Members : Zane , Gerald, Shermaine, Wee Kiat