
Go wrapper for fbink

Primary LanguageGoGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


go-fbink is a Go wrapper for the fbink tool found at https://github.com/NiLuJe/FBInk

It is currently tied to FBInk 1.5.0

Installation and usage

go-fbink can be installed by doing the following:

go get github.com/shermp/go-fbink
// download the FBInk submodule
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/shermp/go-fbink
git submodule update --init --recursive

A precompiled static library is included for convenience if you are using a Kobo device. If you wish or need to compile your own library, you will need to make the "pic" target when compiling fbink from the FBInk directory

The static library should reside in fbinklib/libfbink.a

From your Go project, import go-fbink as follows:

import gofbink "github.com/shermp/go-fbink"

Note, you will need to enable cgo support when building your project, by setting the CGO_ENABLED=1 environment variable when building, along with setting the CC and CXX environment variables to your ARM toolchain's GCC and G++ paths respectively.

A simple example of usage is:

fbinkOpts := gofbink.FBInkConfig{
		Row:         4,
		Fontmult:    2,
		Fontname:    gofbink.UNSCIIfantasy,
		IsCentered:  true,
		Valign:      gofbink.Center
		Halign:      gofbink.Center
	gofbink.Init(gofbink.FBFDauto, fbinkOpts)
	gofbink.Print(gofbink.FBFDauto, "This is a test", fbinkOpts)

	fbinkOpts.Row = 8
	gofbink.Init(gofbink.FBFDauto, fbinkOpts)
	gofbink.Print(gofbink.FBFDauto, "This is another test", fbinkOpts)

	gofbink.PrintImage(gofbink.FBFDauto, "koreader.png", 10, 20, fbinkOpts)

You can refer to the original documentation found in the fbink.h file, which can be found at fbinkinclude/fbink.h. The usage is almost identical.

The primary usage difference is that where appropriate, go-fbink returns an error, or nil, rather than an integer to indicate success or failure. Note that the error string contains the C error code name (eg: "EXIT_FAILURE").

The only function that is unavailable in go-fbink is fbink_printf(). This is because cgo does not support variadic parameters.