
Full stack Scala: play in the backend and Slinky (react) in the frontend

Primary LanguageScala

Play with Slinky

This is a prototype of a project using play framework as backend and Slinky (react) as frontend.

Both projects share code in common in the shared project.

How to use

The run sbt tasks launches the backend, and dev launches the frontend.

The backend runs on localhost:9000 and the frontend runs on localhost:8080.

Backend proxy

There's a proxy for redirecting localhost:8080/play to localhost:9000 (see frontend/webpack/webpack-fastopt.config.js). You can see an example usage in the MakeCallButton component (we use roshttp to make the call but obviously you can use any library that you like).

Projects settings

We put the various settings into dedicated object within the project folder. For example, frontend settings are in project/FontendSettings.scala.