
Using Reinforcement Learning to solve an Inverse Kinematics Problem

Primary LanguagePython


Using Reinforcement Learning to solve an Inverse Kinematics Problem. I use RL to control the joints of a robot arm so that it's end-effector reaches a desired pose from it's home position


How to run the code

  1. clone repo
  2. cd into repo
  3. pip install -r requirements.txt (make sure openmpi is installed on your machine)
  4. python inference.py

About the Arm

I created a virtual robot arm. It's an arm that only moves around the x-y plane and there are 3 joints to control. The arm's reach is 3.5 and it's home position is when the joints are at [90,0,0] (shown below). The robot's joint angles must be between -180 and 180.


gym.Env info

Name: ik-2D-3DOF-arm-v0

Observation Space: {robot end effector's goal position, robot end effector's current position} (spaces.Box)

Action Space: Joint Delta Values Between -5 and 5 Degrees. (space.MultiDiscrete)


if dist(curr, goal) < 0.08 
	reward = 1000 (episode ends)
elif episode_limit(100) is reached
	reward = -10 (episode ends)
elif joint limit violation 
	reward = -7
reward = -dist(curr, goal)

Note: At the beginning of each episode. I choose a random int from -180 and 180 for each joint. Then, calculate the Foward Kinematics and set that value as the goal position. Because I'm choosing a random INTEGER, I can get away with a (multi) discrete action space.

View ik_2D_3DOF_arm/envs/ik_2D_3DOF_arm.py to see full implementation

Agent info

I used Stable-baseline's PPO implementation (PPO1 specifically) for my policy. It took around 24 mins to train on my 7th generation core i7. It has around 97% accuracy and averages 25 steps for its successful episodes see (eval.py). I have uploaded this agent as ppo-ik_agent.zip