
helper functions that generate metric statistics as well as generate host files for ec2 machines running behind ASG

Primary LanguagePython

Python program to fetch memory, cpu and disk-mountpoints using Boto3 & aws services

  • Install pkgs from requirements.txt
  • Activate virtual enviroment
  • to run scripts
  • python3 main.py

Edit the params below in monitor_disk.yaml

For example:

icingahostfilepath: '/etc/icinga2/conf.d/ASG_EC2_Host.conf'
hosttemplatepath: '/path/to/ec2host.j2'

ASG_EC2_Host.conf this files contains the host objects(instances found in ASG across regions)

Reference for icinga configs

icinga services.conf

apply Service "ec2_disk_usage_service_root" {
  import "generic-service"
  check_command = "check_ec2_disk_usage_on_rootPartition"
  vars.arg1 = host.vars.instance_id
  vars.arg2 = "/"
  assign where host.vars.asg_name == "AsgUsh"


object CheckCommand "check_ec2_disk_usage_on_rootPartition" {
  import "plugin-check-command"
  command = ["/code/monit/checkDiskUsage.py","$arg1$","$arg2$"]
  timeout = 60s

Data fetched from cloudwatch is stored in SQLite db - icinga.db Use sqlite3 command and query the 3 tables to see if fetched data is available.