
Passive Real-time Asset Detection System

Primary LanguageStandard ML

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# Passive Real-time Asset Detection system! 

# Baut'
Is a `Passive Real-time Asset Detection System`. It passively listen to network traffic and gathers information on hosts and services it sees on the network. This information can be used to map your network, letting you know what services and hosts are active, and can be used together with your favorite IDS/IPS setup for "event to application" correlation.

# As is!
This program is served 'as is'. We take no responsabuility for anything :)

# Lic
GPL v2 or better? See LICENSE

# Install

There are several ways to use PRADS.
PRADS has many commandline options, see the prads(1) man page.

# Example
  prads -i eth0 -l prads.log

If you run the prads service, the assets it sees will be dumped into /var/log/prads.log and look like this:,0,54354,6,SYN,[65535:64:1:64:M1460,N,W2,N,N,T,S,E,E:P:MacOS:iPhone OS 3.1.3 (UC)đź”—ethernet/modem:uptime:1574hrs],0,1300882012,0,0,0,ARP (Apple),C8:BC:C8:48:65:CA,0,1300882017

This information can be further processed, inserted into an SQL database etc.

the general format fo this data is:

asset       = The ip address of the asset.
vlan        = The virtual lan tag of the asset.
port        = The port number of the detected service.
proto       = The protocol number of the matching fingerprint.
service     = The "Service" detected, like: TCP-SERVICE, UDP-SERVICE, SYN, SYNACK,MAC,.....
service-info= The fingerprint that the match was done on, with info.
distance    = Distance based on guessed initial TTL (service = SYN/SYNACK)
discovered  = The timestamp when the data was collected

May it sniff your network for a while and you will be able to do anomaly detection.

# SNORT (snort.org)
The prads2snort script may be used to convert the prads log into a hosts_attribute.xml file that can be used by snort to decide fragmentation policies, for better event detection. 

# Sguil (sguil.net)
You can feed events from PRADS straight into sguil replacing pads by using the sguil pads agent. PRADS supports the -f fifo argument and the 'fifo: /path/to/fifo' configuration option to feed events into a FIFO.

# SQL database, WebGUI etc.
This is on the agenda. There will be a webgui to the database, for easy browsing of your network.