
OpenMRS for Ubuntu Village of Life in Burundi

Primary LanguageBatchfile

Build all configurations and deploy

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This project is part of Madiro's HealthTech Challenge 2024 connecting passionated people willing to engage in Global Goods for Digital Health with real-life needs and impactful opportunities.

This repository contains a distribution of OpenMRS 3 that will support UVL in its digitalization of clinical operations (patient registration, consultations, laboratory, pharmacy, reporting, billing, etc.). Implementing a Digital Public Good such as OpenMRS in a rural hospital in Burundi is key for improving patient care through better record-keeping and streamlined medical data management such as laboratory test results or drug prescriptions, ensuring that healthcare providers have accurate and up-to-date information.

Additionally, it facilitates efficient tracking of public health trends and resource allocation, which is essential for addressing the unique healthcare challenges in rural settings. For example, the financial support from the government for child care and maternal care is conditional to digitalization - contributing to the long term viability and independence of the hospital.

Users and teams

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Quick Start using GitPod

You can run the project and contribute to it using GitPod in your browser or VSCode. This will allow you to easily run the project without installing dependencies on your local machine like Java SDK, Docker, etc.

Open in Gitpod

Quick Start on localhost


  1. Install or update Git
  2. Install or update JAVA SDK
  3. Install or update Docker Compose (version ≥ 2.29)

Clone and Install

Clone the repository locally

git clone https://github.com/MadiroGlobalHealth/UVL-EMR.git

Open the cloned folder


Add your GitHub credentials to ~/.m2/settings.xml settings file. See how to create a git github token


Build UVL distro/version of OpenMRS 3

./scripts/mvnw clean package

Run and Open

Run UVL EMR (Mugamba polyclinic)

cd sites/mugamba/target/ozone-uvl-mugamba-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/run/docker/scripts

Open UVL EMR for end-users (OpenMRS 3) in your browser (the installation can take a few minutes)

open http://localhost/

Open the administration of UVL EMR in your browser

open http://localhost/openmrs/admin

Note that default admin user is admin and password is Admin123.

Maven configuration

In some cases, you might need to customize your Maven configuration file to build the project.

On Mac, you can edit those settings using: vi ~/.m2/settings.xml

Add the Maven Server config and API key in your Maven settings on your laptop:


Configuration hierarchy and inheritance

Hierarchy overview

── pom.xml - Aggredator / Orchestrator
      └── /distro/pom.xml - UVL-wide Config
      └── /countries - Country-specific Config
            └── /burundi/pom.xl
      └── /sites - Site-specific Config
            └── /mugamba/pom.xl


Contributions are welcome! If you have any suggestions, improvements, or bug fixes, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is made possible thanks to OpenMRS, OzoneHIS, and OpenConceptLab communities. Special thanks to the contributors who have contributed to the development of these tools.



OpenMRS resources

Join the conversation

Slack, Calls, Forum, Conferences, JIRA, Wiki

Learn more

OpenMRS Academy, Youtube channel


Official Github repositories for OpenMRS


Git, Docker Compose, Maven

Demo to checkout and run locally here

UVL Burundi Challenge resources

Slack Channel for all participants to discuss the project

JIRA project to pick up and accomplish tasks


For any questions, please contact Michael Bontyes or reach out on the OpenMRS Slack.

Sign-up for the challenge

Enrollment are open until September 1st, 2024:


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.