Hi there 👋

I'm morlay, Web & DevOps Developer from Chengdu 🐼 🇨🇳.

Things I code with

Go TypeScript JavaScript WebAssembly HTML5 CSS3 WebGL Dart Rust

React Flutter D3 Mapbox babylon.js RxJS Koa

node.js pnpm Vite Rollup esbuild SWC PostCSS Vitest CMake Shell Script

OpenAPI OpenTelemetry SemVer Conventional Commits

Postgres Redis S3

Mac OS Linux

Git IntelliJ VSCode

Things I deliver with

GitLab CI GitHub Actions

Dagger Docker Kubernetes Cuelang

Vercel Cloud Cloudflare


Backbone.js Ember.js Angular.js Angular Less Sass Stylus BEM npm yarn Express Webpack Babel Gulp Grunt Jest Ansible Atom Sublime Text Jenkins Helm

Gaming with

PlayStation Nintendo Switch Steam
