
Code Issues

Python library for GT-511C3, GT-521F52. The library was tested on Raspberry Zero.


Demo Image


R-Pi GPIO pinout:

Raspberry Pi Zero (40 pin, 3.3 V IOs)

I used optional resistors in case there is another FTDI connection

----------------------   1kOhm    ------------------------
GT-511C3     Tx (1)--|----/\/\----|--(10) RxD   R-Pi Zero
             Rx (2)--|----/\/\----|--(8)  TxD
            Gnd (3)--|------------|--(6) Gnd
             5V (4)--|------------|--(2) 5V
----------------------            ------------------------

Raspberry Pi (40 pin, 5 V IOs)

----------------------                 ------------------------
GT-511C3     Tx (1)--|-----------------|--(10) RxD   R-Pi
             Rx (2)--|---.-----/\/\----|--(8)  TxD
                     |   |    1kOhm    |
                     |   \             |
                     |   /             |
                     |   \ 2kOhm       |
                     |   |             |
            Gnd (3)--|---.-------------|--(6) Gnd
             5V (4)--|-----------------|--(2) 5V
----------------------                 ------------------------

Raspberry Pi B+ (3.3 V IOs)

I use USB To Serial CP2102 TTL UART

USB To Serial CP2102 TTL UART


Run for a demo

Run for interactive demo 1 - Initialize 1 - ttyUSB0 2 - Open 6 - All Commands

Explore menu


If you are stuck at Opening connection..., as described out by @Ankush-Pathak in #19:

  • Do "sudo nano /boot/config.txt" via ssh or by opening a terminal on the pi.
  • Scroll down to the end of the file using arrow keys, on a new line add "dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt".
  • Then do ctrl + o, return(saves your file), ctrl + x(exits nano).
  • Reboot.
  • If this does not work, many people also suggested changing the modes of the required GPIO pins to ALT0 or ALT5. You could try that too.


  • Documentation
  • Unit tests
  • GUI