A simple E-voting Decentralised App using the Ethereum Blockchain, Solidity and the MERN(MongoDB, Express.js, ReactJS, Node.js) stack
- abhishekbhartiind3insys
- adan-alikenya
- aj-ya
- Alarien1702
- amandhakaNew Delhi
- ammarkozInsight Information Security
- ArchanJSRupeek
- ass77Futurify/SatuSky
- binotsonMannir esystem
- Butters3388214
- chandan-kumar-vitHyderabad
- Chas989x
- Darlene-NazConcordia University
- dorucioclea@CoreBuildSoftware
- fturkyilmazİstanbul
- gpvb
- harshit-budhraja@Imagekit-Developer
- irfanmaulanaakIndonesia
- jamesoyannaOnesphere Solutions
- jivteshsingh
- jvmvlSixth Dimension
- kunlefashInvo Technologies
- KushalRautKathmandu,Nepal
- LorenzoWynberg
- mark47jacobsM S Ramaiah Institute of Technology
- PavelZXсело Кубраки, Веделевский р-он, Белгородской обл.
- pkg107
- pranjalsharma03Cysec
- RtjShreyDPrayagraj, India
- shubhamdumreePort-Louis, Mauritius
- techsouvik127.0.0.1
- ushairBhiwandi, India
- Victorvikson1996France
- vinayak0127SRM institute of Science and technology
- violetGhost