
Common PHP skeleton for PSR-4 libraries and components

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

Creating PSR-4 compliant PHP package or library with Composer the easy way. This package provides you with most of the files and common folder structure that are used for creating PSR-4 compliant, modern PHP package/library.

There is no recommended or standard folder and files structure for PHP packages but there are good practices. This repository provides initial skeleton for your PHP libraries and packages.

Inspired by phpleague/skeleton and php.skeleton.

php-skeleton uses Semantic Versioning


$ composer create-project peterkokot/php-skeleton ./project 'dev-master'


include vendor
use PeterKokot\Skeleton;

$skeleton = new Skeleton();

Read also the documentation for more information how to use php-skeleton.


This project is licensed under the MIT license.