Official implementation of the paper: QEN: Applicable Taxonomy Completion via Evaluating Full Taxonomic Relations

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Quadruple Evaluation Network - PyTorch Implementation

This is the source code for Quadruple Evaluation Network for the task of taxonomy completion, published in The Web Conference 2022.


The codebase was tested under python 3.8.10 and cuda 11.1.1.

Installation with enviroment.yml

  1. Clone this repository.

    git clone https://github.com/sheryc/QEN.git
  2. Create a new conda environment with the environment.yml:

    conda env create -n qen -f QEN/environment.yml

And it's ready to run!

Manual Installation

For manual installation (e.g., on slurm clusters), please run the following commands:

# Load python 3.8 and cuda 11.1
pip install numpy networkx wandb gensim tqdm more_itertools transformers spacy pandas
pip install dgl-cu111 dglgo -f https://data.dgl.ai/wheels/repo.html
pip install torch==1.10.0+cu111 torchvision==0.11.0+cu111 torchaudio==0.10.0 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html
python -m spacy download en_core_web_md

Data Preparation

For datasets used in the paper

We have provided the three datasets we used in the paper below. Put the corresponding extracted folder directly under data/ for the experiments.

Each of the dataset folders contain at least the following files:

  1. <TAXO_NAME>.terms. Each line in this file represents one term / concept / node in the taxonomy, including its ID and surface name.
taxon1_id \t taxon1_surface_name
taxon2_id \t taxon2_surface_name
taxon3_id \t taxon3_surface_name
  1. <TAXO_NAME>.taxo. Each line in this file represents one relation / edge in the taxonomy, including the parent taxon ID and child taxon ID.
parent_taxon1_id \t child_taxon1_id
parent_taxon2_id \t child_taxon2_id
parent_taxon3_id \t child_taxon3_id
  1. <TAXO_NAME>.desc. Each line in this file represents the extracted term description of each term, mapped to each term's surface name.
taxon1_surface_name \t taxon1_description
taxon2_surface_name \t taxon2_description
taxon3_surface_name \t taxon3_description
  1. <TAXO_NAME>.pickle.bin. This file is created by dataloader/dataset when encountering a raw dataset. The pickled dataset contains taxonomy information as well as train/val/test splits.

For your own taxonomy

  • Step 1: Organize your input taxonomy along with node features into the format of <TAXO_NAME>.terms, <TAXO_NAME>.taxo and <TAXO_NAME>.desc mentioned in the previous section.

    • Step 1.1: If the description file is unavailable, you can use the provided Wikipedia description generator in data/description.py to generate the description file.
    description.py -d <TAXO_NAME> -m wikipedia
  • Step 2: (Optional) Generate the train/val/test splits in files called <TAXO_NAME>.terms.train, <TAXO_NAME>.terms.validation and <TAXO_NAME>.terms.test. The current format of these files should contain the line number of the corresponding terms in <TAXO_NAME>.terms file. We will improve this as soon as possible.

  • Step 3: Run the training script by setting the argument raw for the class MAGDataset in data_loader/dataset.py to True. After training once, the script will generate the pickled dataset and raw can be set to False for future experiments.

Model training

For reproducing the results in the paper, please use the provided configs in config_files/<TAXO_NAME>/config.text.c.json.

python train.py --config config_files/<TAXO_NAME>/config.test.c.json --exp <WANDB_RUN_TAG>

For running QEN for your own taxonomy, please create a config file similar to the ones provided in the corresponding folder, and run the experiments with the above script.

Model Organization

For all implementations, we follow the project organization in pytorch-template.


Please cite our paper if this code contributes to an academic publication:

author = {Wang, Suyuchen and Zhao, Ruihui and Zheng, Yefeng and Liu, Bang},
title = {QEN: Applicable Taxonomy Completion via Evaluating Full Taxonomic Relations},
year = {2022},
isbn = {9781450390965},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
doi = {10.1145/3485447.3511943},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2022},
pages = {1008–1017},
numpages = {10},
location = {Virtual Event, Lyon, France},
series = {WWW '22}