Left Atrium Cavity and Wall Segmentation

Left Atrium segmentation from LGE-MRI is the initial step for diagnosing left atrial fibrosis. However, because of the varying image quality and the different shapes of the left atrium, deep learning methods are gaining more attention on left atrium segmentation. So, we analyzed the deep learning models that perform well on medical imaging on MICCAI 2018 left atrium segmentation challenge dataset. After evaluating different metrics, the analysis shows that deep learning models with skip connection or self-attention-based models perform better on average in all metrics than other deep learning architectures. Apart from that LA wall segmentation was also implemented on University of Utah's LGE-MRI dataset. This research can be reference for other medical imaging analysis.

Table of Contents


Project requirements/dependencies:


First Download the dataset of MICCAI Atrial Segmentation Challenge 2018. Slice 3D MR images using: $ python3 slice_image_mask.py Then install Jupyter Notebook to run LA Cavity Segmentation and LA Wall Segmentation


As it is a benchmark research, for Left Atrium segmentation and wall segmentation the following methods were used:

  • Unet.
  • Unet++
  • MAnet
  • DeepLabV3


Prediction for testing dataset's Patient-3's 43rd slice with associated prediction mask and ground truth. Here every 3 image is a set and the set of images shown are for Unet, Unet++, MANet and DeepLab V3 respectively: images Performance evaluation on different metrics (Dice Score, IOU Score, Hausdorff Distance, Average Surface Distance: table LA Wall Prediction for Unet (Testing Data): wall



Created by @syedfahimahmed - feel free to contact me!