ORM inspired by Active Record

Primary LanguageRuby

Object Relational Mapping

My implementation of an ORM using a SQLite3 database.

How to Use

  • Download zip, run bundle install
  • Personalize for your schemas by building your database:

For your Database

  • Add the appropriate gem for your db, may it be pg or sqlite3
  • Run bundle install
  • In a .sql file in the root of the ActiveRecord directory, build your tables


  • ::all
  • ::find
  • #insert
  • #update
  • #save
  • ::where
  • belongs_to, has_many, has_one_through


  • Build into a Rails framework, then
  • Integrate into a full-stack application
  • Validation methods/validator class
  • includes method to pre-fetch and remove N+1 queries