
Aspect Oriented Python framework built like AspectJ

Primary LanguagePython

aopy - An Aspect Oriented Programming Python Framework 

Author - Spencer Herzberg
Author - Yuji Fujiki

This framework was built for a graduate software engineering course in Aspect Oriented Programming.


    Build a Python AOP framework that corresponds with AspectJ - http://www.eclipse.org/aspectj
    Joinpoint model
    Pointcut definitions are meant to be simple
    Advice: Before, After, Around
    Before and after advice are very simple methods
    Around advice is very flexible
    Dynamic runtime changes to joinpoints
    Security measures: define only methods that are "weave-able"

Future Work:

    Build in regular expressions for more flexible and dynamic pointcuts
    Additional pointcuts for advice.
    Eclipse plugin for showing advised code blocks 

How to Use:

    1) Import aopy module (AOPWrapper, weaver)
    2) Define your own aspect class by inheriting AOPWrapper
    3) Optionally define Before, After, Around advice in aspect class
    4) Set Before, After, Around advice in aspect class in aspect constructor
    5) Set the pointcut for the aspect
        Two ways:
            Define in aspect constructor
            Dynamically call AOPWrapper.setPointcut() on newly created aspect object 
            AOPWrapper.setPointcut(string, string, list)
            Parameter 1: string name of the method you want to advise
            Parameter 2: string number of arguments, 'asterisk' is any number of arguments
            Parameter 3: list of keyword arguments, 'asterisk' is any keyword arguments 
    6)Decorate all functions that you may want to advise with @weave decorator (imported from AOPy)

Example Code:

from aopy.core import weave,getPointcutter,AOPWrapper

class Logger(AOPWrapper):
    def __init__(self,signature, numargs, kwargs):
        AOPWrapper.__init__(self,signature, numargs, kwargs)
    def before(self, *args, **kwargs):
        print "before call"
    def after(self, retval, exc):
        print "after call"
    def around(self,target, method, *args, **kwargs):
        print "before around:",target,method, args, kwargs
        ret = method(*args,**kwargs)
        print "after around: ",ret
        return ret

def run():
    print "I'm running"       

def main():
    #setup logger aspect for all methods named run
    #with no args and any kwargs
    logger = Logger("run","0", ["*"])

    #setup pointcutter singleton
    pc = getPointcutter()
    #add the logger aspect
    #runtime reset of logger aspect to a new pointcut
    #the next run call to run() will not be advised
    logger.setPointcut("notrun","0", ["*"])