
Simple Demo app to show usage of Network Extensions(content-filter)

Primary LanguageSwift


A simple example of Network-Extension(content-filter) iOS app using swift.


This demo app's purpose is to demonstrate the bare minimum required to block network request for webkit and socket except this app. This is not a production ready code! In order to have a production you will need to push this app through MDM server and grant content filtering permission by MDM server


  1. Xcode 10.0 or newer
  2. Actual iPhone/Ipad
  3. Apple developer account

Setup instructions

  1. Allow network extension capability and same app group for host app and extension app for refrence see project and it's target capability center

Run instructions

  1. Run the app on device and allow permission for network monitoring.
  2. Open safari or any other browser/apps and browse any site, you will see it's restrcited by "ContentFilterDemoApp"
