量子三元(qutrit)是三种可能状态正交的量子叠加态的量子信息单元,量子三元(qutrit)是类似传统的三进制数位,类似两种可能状态的量子粒子量子比特,或类似于传统的比特。量子三元(qutrit)有三种正交的基本状态(或向量),通常用狄拉克符号表示为|0>,|1>和|2>,并以这三种状态的线性叠加形式表示量子三元qutrit) https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1/media/math/render/svg/76cc2cb93ffbb302573b881af20d0f23844a7dd8 unit of quantum information that exists as a superposition of three orthogonal quantum states; analogous to the classical trit, just as the qubit, a quantum particle of two possible states, is analogous to the classical bit A qutrit has three orthogonal basis states, or vectors, often denoted |0> , |1> , and |2> in Dirac or bra–ket notation. These are used to describe the qutrit as a superposition in the form of a linear combination of the three states: