Introduction to Digital Image Processing

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Course content


  1. Basic principles of images: human visual system, light and color, acquisition and image representation.
  2. Image processing in space: linear and nonlinear transformations, histograms, 2D signals and systems, 2D convolution, spatial filters, gradient of images.
  3. Frequency image processing: 2D Fourier transform and its properties, Radon transform, 2D transformation and its properties. 2D discrete Fourier transform and its properties. 2D 2D transformations.
  4. Noise correction and compression of images: wavelet transform, PCA, signal to noise ratio, binary filters, Perona-Malik operator
  5. Color image processing: RGB model, contrast enhancement and sharpness in images, color correction and lighting.
  6. Morphological operators: Dilation, Erosion, language detection, morphological operators for binary images.
  7. Identifying shapes and characteristics: Identifying points, lines, thresholds, Sifts, Hogs, Hough transformations are classified
  8. Active contours, split & merge, graph-cuts, mean-shift, watershed: Segmentation of images
  9. Match images: pixel-based matching, character-based matching
  10. Advanced applications in image processing and computer vision: tracking, stereo, face recognition



implemented in MATLAB 2018R

  • Exercise 1 - Basic Image Operations
  • Exercise 2 - Color Spaces
  • Exercise 3 - Transformations
  • Exercise 4 - Edges and Feature Descriptors
  • Exercise 5 - Geometric Transformations
  • Hackton
  • Final project


Maor Assayag
Refael Shetrit
B.Sc in Computer Engineering, Ben Gurion University, Israel.