Twitch Scoreboard

Local Environment Setup

To run locally you must have the following installed:

Running Locally:

Start MongoDB (in own terminal window) mongod

Make sure NodeJS dependencies are installed with NPM. (only run this if dependencies have changed) npm install

Local Run without Heroku npm start

Local Run with Heroku heroku local web

Deploying with Heroku

Commit all of your code and be sure they are in a branch.

Deploy: git push heroku master

Check instance is running(optional): heroku ps:scale web=1

Open page in web browser (or just navigate to heroku open

View Logs (should something on the server side goes wrong): heroku logs --tail

Nest Steps

  • Authentication via Twitch
  • Create User View
  • Create ChatBot Commands
  • Hook up MongoDB

Features to Adds

  • Update Nav to newer bootstrap version. Later replace with Material Design
  • Create Score View in React and update with
  • Add ChatBot Interface with TMI.js
  • Authentication via Twitch.

To Fix

  • Only runs locally on Port 5000. Investigate.