
In this project I explore work with Google Map SDK and Google Places Web API for searching info about places and drawing route between two points on the map. At this project I don't use any third libraries besides libs from Google. Also there are the unit and Android Instrumented testing

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


In this project I explore work with Google Map SDK and Google Places Web API for searching info about places and drawing route between two points on the map.

At this project I don't use any third libraries besides libs from Google.

Road map for this project:

  • Create UI for main screen...DONE
  • Include Google Map SDK...DONE
  • Show Google Map...DONE
  • Lock keyboard opeining when you touch on EditText...DONE
  • Add permission request (on Adnroid 6 and higher) for tracking user location...DONE
  • Tracking user location...DONE
  • Show user location on the map...DONE
  • Work with "My Location" button (show/hide)...DONE
  • Add map click handling - get coordinates...DONE
  • Make simple NetManager for execution async net requests...DONE
  • Search place info by coordinates...DONE
  • Add base MVP classes...DONE
  • Add MVP to MainScreen...DONE
  • Create selecting address fot trip point (start point/end point)...DONE
  • Route request to Google API...DONE
  • Draw route between start-end points...DONE
  • Add second screen with history of addresses...DONE
  • Create history screen UI...DONE
  • Add select place from history logic...DONE
  • Add DatabaseManager for save history...DONE
  • Add methods to databaseManager for work with DB...DONE
  • Save tripPoints after selecting in DB...DONE
  • Add logic onSelectPoint(...) to MainScreen...DONE
  • Add button Look to route...DONE
  • Refactor and cleanUp code...DONE
  • Add Clear history action...DONE
  • Add testing for DatabaseManager...DONE
  • Add UI testing for Main Screen - launch logic...IN PROGRESS
  • Add PresenterManager for save presenters even Activity was destroyed - coming soon

Additional tasks:

  • show different gps icons depends on gps state...DONE
  • splash screen...DONE
  • hide cursor from editText fields on the main screen
  • Show important messages in dialog
  • Use styles for the same views