
danabo and shewu's senior engineering project

Primary LanguagePython

Hardware Requirements:
    - MiniITX motherboard
    - picoLCD display
    - Arduino Mega
    - HMC6352 compass from Liquidware
    - 2 banebots speedcontrollers
    - 4 banebots motors and wheels
    - 6 SHARP IR rangefinders
    - USB stick with proper GoGoBot image installed
Included functions:

thread asynchronus(fun, *args, **keyword):
	custom asynchronous function that returns a thread

void go(speed, angle = 0):
	go at <angle> at <speed>

void stop():
	stops vehicle motion

void gofor(timems, speed):
	go at <speed> for <timems> duration

void light(state, time):
	sets the arduino LED to <state> for <time> duration

void blink(time):
	blinks arduino light at interval <time>

void display(text):
	writes <text> to the LCD

void delayRun(timems, function, *args):
	runs <function> with <args> after <timems> duration

float getDirection():
	gets direction from compass in degrees as a float

float getDistance(IR):
	gets distance between GoGoBot and object from the <IR>th IR sensor in cm as a float

 * Using a monitor *

simply plug VGA cable into port to gain terminal.  also attach a keyboard and an optional mouse
it is likely that the terminal is occupied by the gogobot start script, so press ctrl+alt+F(#) to get another terminal

login:  danabo
password:  qn4h7uz
$ su
password:  robotics
# ...

logging in with root directly will cause another instance of the start script to run
log into danabo to bypass this

to get GUI:
# startx

all gogobot related scripts are under /root/gogobot/
the arduino environment is under /root/arduinoXXX/
additional files, installers, and drivers may be under /root/Downloads/