
"Khanah" is a multi-vendor restaurant platform where people can buy food.

Primary LanguagePython

Khanah Backend

Khanah is a multi-vendor ecommerce application built around The New Boston Coin.


To contribute to the Khanah mobile app you will need to:

  • Clone the repository locally
  • Edit the environment variable
  • Build and run the docker image
  • Migrate the database

Clone the project

To clone this project you will navigate to the directory you would love to clone to using the terminal or command prompt and the run the command below in your terminal.

> git clone https://github.com/Techminate/Khanah-Backend-FastApi.git <folder-name>
> cd folder name

Don't forget to change <folder_name> to the name you want to clone the project too.

Add environment variable

Now it's time to add the environment variable for stuffs to work properly run the command below in your terminal to duplicate .env.example and rename the duplicate to .env or simply do that with your file manager.

(venv) > cp .env.example .env

Edit the .env to fit your need

Build and run the docker image

> docker-compose up -d --build

Migrate the database

To migrate the database you will need to enter an interactive shell in your docker container

First, open up a new terminal window or tab. Then get the IDs of all running processes like so:

docker ps

You should see an output that starts with something that looks like the following:

a123bc007edf      backend-server
867g5309hijk      backend-db

Copy the ID of the container running our server. In this example that would be a123bc007edf. Now we can start executing bash commands as the container's root use by typing:

docker exec -it a123bc007edf bash

The -it part indicates we want to use the container interactively so we can run commands and inspect the container. By default, Docker containers run and exit as soon as they've finished executing.

Inside the bash shell, we can start exploring a little bit.


We should see all of the files and directories that Docker has copied into our container.

Dockerfile    alembic.ini     app      requirements.txt     tests

Run the migration

alembic upgrade head

We should see an output indicating that our db has been migrated like below:

INFO   [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade  -> 12345678654 ...

Run your project

(venv) > uvicorn app:app --reload
# if that doesn't work then run this
(venv) > python -m uvicorn app:app --reload