
Personal linux distribution from scratch

Primary LanguageShell


Personal linux distribution from scratch. Following the LFS setup with a 5.2.8 kernel.

Table of Content

Setup Host and Temporary Filesystem

Setup Host VM

  1. VM debian 10
    • 10G ext4 /
    • 2G swap
    • 20G ext4 not mounted
  2. connect to ssh + scp ft_linux or git clone
  3. as root, run prepare_host.sh and check_host.sh
  4. fdisk -l to see the name of the 20G partition not mounted
  5. run mount_lfs.sh <PARTITION>
> df -h
/dev/sda5        19G   45M   18G   1% /mnt/lfs

Download Sources

  1. as root, sinstall packages: run install_packages.sh
  2. as root, check packages: run check_packages.sh
  3. prepare tools directory for later: prepare_tools.sh

User lfs & Environment

  1. create a less priviledged user lfs: user_lfs.sh
  2. switch user: su - lfs
  3. config the environment for lfs, run user_env.sh
  4. source ~/.bash_profile

Install Tools

tar xvf <package>
# follow instructions
rm -rf <extracted folder>

SBU ~ 3 min

Package SBU Install Tests
binutils-2.32 - 1st pass 1 ok -
gcc-9.2.0 - 1st pass 12 ok -
linux-5.2.8 0.1 ok -
glibc-2.30 4.8 ok ok
libstdc++ 0.5 ok -
binutils-2.32 - 2nd pass 1.1 ok -
linux-5.2.8 1.1 ok -
gcc-9.2.0 - 2nd pass 15 ok ok
tcl8.6.9 0.9 ok ok
expect5.45.4 0.1 ok no
dejagnu-1.6.2 >0.1 ok ok
m4-1.4.18 0.2 ok no
ncurses-6.1 0.6 ok no
bash-5.0 0.4 ok no
bison-3.4.1 0.3 ok no
bzip2-1.0.8 >0.1 ok ok
coreutils-8.31 0.8 ok no
diffutils-3.7 0.2 ok no
file-5.37 0.1 ok no
findutils-4.6.0 0.3 ok no
gawk-5.0.1 0.2 ok no
gettext-0.20.1 1.8 ok no
grep-3.3 0.2 ok no
gzip-1.10 0.1 ok no
make-4.2.1 0.1 ok no
patch-2.7.6 0.2 ok no
perl-5.30.0 1.6 ok no
Python-3.7.4 1.4 ok no
sed-4.7 0.2 ok no
tar-1.32 0.3 ok no
texinfo-6.6 0.2 ok no
util-linux-2.34 1 ok no
xz-5.2.4 0.2 ok no

Back to root

  1. change to user root and change ownership of tools to root.
root@debian:/mnt# ls -la lfs/
total 16
drwxr-xr-x  4 root root 4096 Nov 11 16:26 .
drwxr-xr-x  3 root root 4096 Nov 11 16:19 ..
drwxrwxrwt  3 lfs  root 4096 Nov 15 14:00 sources
drwxr-xr-x 13 root root 4096 Nov 15 11:12 tools

Build Linux From Scratch

Virtual filesystem for the kernel

  1. create /dev /proc /sys /run
  2. make node /dev/console /dev/null
  3. mount /dev # montage en double
  4. mount /dev/pts /proc /sys /run


  1. chroot: when /mnt/lfs become /. "I have no name!" because /etc/passwd is not created yet.
  2. Create directories according FHS Filesystem Hierarchy Standard.
(lfs chroot) I have no name!:/# ls -lsa
total 76
4 drwxr-xr-x 23    0 0 4096 Nov 15 15:39 .
4 drwxr-xr-x 23    0 0 4096 Nov 15 15:39 ..
4 drwxr-xr-x  2    0 0 4096 Nov 15 15:38 bin
4 drwxr-xr-x  2    0 0 4096 Nov 15 15:38 boot
0 drwxr-xr-x 17    0 0 3180 Nov 15 14:27 dev
4 drwxr-xr-x  4    0 0 4096 Nov 15 15:38 etc
4 drwxr-xr-x  2    0 0 4096 Nov 15 15:38 home
4 drwxr-xr-x  3    0 0 4096 Nov 15 15:38 lib
4 drwxr-xr-x  2    0 0 4096 Nov 15 15:39 lib64
4 drwxr-xr-x  4    0 0 4096 Nov 15 15:38 media
4 drwxr-xr-x  2    0 0 4096 Nov 15 15:38 mnt
4 drwxr-xr-x  2    0 0 4096 Nov 15 15:38 opt
0 dr-xr-xr-x 79    0 0    0 Nov 15 14:27 proc
4 drwxr-x---  2    0 0 4096 Nov 15 15:38 root
0 drwxrwxrwt  2    0 0   40 Nov 15 15:15 run
4 drwxr-xr-x  2    0 0 4096 Nov 15 15:38 sbin
4 drwxrwxrwt  3 1001 0 4096 Nov 15 14:00 sources
4 drwxr-xr-x  2    0 0 4096 Nov 15 15:38 srv
0 dr-xr-xr-x 13    0 0    0 Nov 15 14:27 sys
4 drwxrwxrwt  2    0 0 4096 Nov 15 15:38 tmp
4 drwxr-xr-x 13    0 0 4096 Nov 15 11:12 tools
4 drwxr-xr-x 10    0 0 4096 Nov 15 15:39 usr
4 drwxr-xr-x 10    0 0 4096 Nov 15 15:39 var
  1. Create essentials files and symlink
  2. Start new shell to get rid of "I have no name!"
  3. Init journals for login, agetty, et init

Install packages

Package SBU Install Tests
linux-5.2.8 >0.1 ok -
man-pages-5.02 >0.1 ok -
glibc-2.30 21 ok ok
zlib-1.2.11 >0.1 ok ok
file-5.37 >0.1 ok ok
readline-8.0 >0.1 ok -
m4-1.4.18 >0.1 -
bc-2.1.3 0.1 -
binutils-2.32 7.4 ok ok
gmp-6.1.2 1.2 ok ok
mpfr-4.0.2 0.9 ok ok
mpc-1.1.0 0.3 ok -
shadow-4.7 0.2 ok -
gcc-9.2.0 95 ok ok
bzip2-1.0.8 >0.1 ok -
pkg-config-0.29.2 0.4 ok -
ncurses-6.1 0.4 ok -
attr-2.4.48 >0.1 ok ok
acl-2.2.53 >0.1 ok -
libcap-2.27 >0.1 ok -
sed-4.7 0.4 ok -
psmisc-23.2 >0.1 ok -
iana-Etc-2.30 >0.1 ok -
bison-3.4.1 0.3 ok -
flex-2.6.4 0.5 ok -
grep-3.3 0.5 ok -
bash-5.0 2.1 ok ok
libtool-2.4.6 1.9 ok -
gdbm-1.18.1 0.1 ok -
gperf-3.1 >0.1 ok -
expat-2.2.7 0.1 ok -
inetutils-1.9.4 0.3 ok -
perl-5.30.0 9.9 ok -
XML::Parser-2.44 >0.1 ok -
intltool-0.51.0 >0.1
autoconf-2.69 >0.1
automake-1.16.1 >0.1

lfs root mdp: lfsroot

trace tests gcc

Duration: ~4 hours

		=== g++ Summary ===

# of expected passes		134787
# of expected failures		527
# of unsupported tests		5921
/sources/gcc-9.2.0/build/gcc/xg++  version 9.2.0 (GCC)

		=== gcc tests ===
		=== gcc Summary ===

# of expected passes		139435
# of unexpected failures	2
# of expected failures		527
# of unsupported tests		2151
/sources/gcc-9.2.0/build/gcc/xgcc  version 9.2.0 (GCC)

		=== libatomic Summary ===

# of expected passes		54
		=== libgomp tests ===

Running target unix

		=== libgomp Summary ===

# of expected passes		2316
# of expected failures		2
# of unsupported tests		210
		=== libitm tests ===

		=== libitm Summary ===

# of expected passes		42
# of expected failures		3
# of unsupported tests		1
		=== libstdc++ tests ===

		=== libstdc++ Summary ===

# of expected passes		12985
# of unexpected failures	9
# of expected failures		78
# of unsupported tests		333

Compiler version: 9.2.0 (GCC)


Resume work:

  • before ending a work session: copy the entire folder of the VM in the cloud/usb key.
  • download it back before starting Virtual Box.


  • partition lfs will not be mounted:
fdisk -l # to check the name of the partition
mount -v -t ext4 $partition $LFS

ex: mount -v -t ext4 /dev/sda5 $LFS
  • check that the user lfs exists and that the permissions for the folders /mnt/sources or /mnt/tools are correct.

As root

  1. Mount the FS
    • /dev (6.2.2)
    • /dev/pts /proc /sysfs /run (6.2.3)
  2. And then chroot (6.4)