Getting Started To run this project, follow these steps:

Clone the Repository:

Clone the Repository:

Clone the project repository to your local machine using Git:

bash Copy code git clone Open the Project:

Open the Project:

Open the project folder in your code editor.

HTML and JavaScript Files:

HTML and JavaScript Files:

The project consists of two main files: index.html and interactiveBarChart.js. The HTML file contains the structure of the web page, and the JavaScript file contains the logic for creating and updating the bar chart.

Required Libraries:

Required Libraries:

The project uses two external libraries, Chart.js and XLSX. These libraries are loaded from online CDNs in the HTML file, so you don't need to install them separately.

Run the Project:

Run the Project:

To run the project, simply open the index.html file in a web browser. You can do this by right-clicking on the HTML file and selecting "Open with" or by dragging the HTML file into your browser.

Input and Chart Display:

Input and Chart Display:

Enter a value for "MthinOffice" in the input field. Click the "Draw Chart" button to generate a bar chart based on the filtered data. You can also upload an Excel file using the "Choose File" button, and the chart will update with the data from the uploaded file. Using the Application

Using the Application

Enter a numeric value in the "Enter MthinOffice" input field and click the "Draw Chart" button. This will filter the data based on the specified value and create a bar chart showing the maximum values for each "President."

You can change the "MthinOffice" value and click "Draw Chart" again to update the chart with different data.