
🐙 🐱 📊 Gitalytics - A simple overview of your Github activities

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A simple overview of your github activities https://gitalytics.netlify.app


Table of Contents


What is this?

I built an app called Gitalytics, which will show summarized GitHub Activities.

I got inspired from Spotify Year in Review feature and thought that developers should also see their GitHub Year in Review, a.k.a #2020Coded.

How I built it

I have created an NX workspace using angular-nest preset. For more on code visit my article on dev.to: Basic Structure Done with Nx and Deployed on DigitalOcean App Platform

How does it look?

#2020Coded Page (Light theme):

Alt Text

#2020Coded Page (Dark theme):

Alt Text

What does it show?

As of now, Gitalytics can get and show following details of 2020 fetched from GitHub:

  1. Repositories
  2. Star count (from 1st 100 CreatedRepositoryContribution)
  3. Fork count (from 1st 100 CreatedRepositoryContribution)
  4. Commits
  5. Issues
  6. Closed Issues (from 1st 100 CreatedIssueContribution)
  7. Pull Requests
  8. Merged Pull Requests (from 1st 100 CreatedPullRequestContribution)
  9. Closed Pull Requests (from 1st 100 CreatedPullRequestContribution)
  10. Pull Request Reviews
  11. Comments and Reactions on Pull Request Reviews (from 1st 100 CreatedPullRequestReviewContribution)


You can export each data as PNG. And you can also share stats on twitter. I will look like below:



Environment Variables

A sample is provided a .env.sample file.

Variable Description Dev Value Prod Value Needed for
PAT GitHub Person Access Token TOKEN TOKEN Backend
API_URL GitHub GraphQL API Endpoint https://api.github.com/graphql https://api.github.com/graphql Backend
PORT Where you want to run your nestjs app 3000 8080 Backend
WHITELIST_URL Comma separated URLs to allow access to APIs http://localhost:4200 FRONT_END_APP_URL Backend
NODE_ENV Environment where app is running development production Backend and Frontend
BACKEND_API_URL URL where api is running /api BACK_END_APP_URL Frontend

You can create an app and get keys for twitter bot from: https://apps.twitter.com/.

Local Setup

git clone https://github.com/shhdharmen/gitalytics
cd gitalytics
npm i

After that, copy content from .env.sample and create .env with values.

Running the projects

Client (Frontend):

npm run config
nx serve api

API (Backend):

nx serve client


All the GraphQL related stuff is maintained at: apps/client/src/.graphql. You can generate related angular service and typescript file using below command, thanks to GraphQL Code Generator:

npm run generate-codegen

Instructions to Deploy

Important Notes on Deployment

  • Make sure you have all your environment variables in place
  • You will need to add frontend app urls separated by comma to WHITELIST_URL in environment variables
  • You will need to add backend api url in BACKEND_API_URL in environment variables

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Dharmen Shah

📝 💻 🖋 🎨 📖 🤔 🚇 🚧 📆 🔬

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!