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Ensembling Classical Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approaches for Morbidity Identification From Clinical Notes

This repository contains the code for the Research Paper: Ensembling Classical Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approaches for Morbidity Identification From Clinical Notes started for Final Project in CS 598 Deep Learning in Healthcare at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. This paper demonstrates and explores the use of ensembling techniques to combine classical machine learning and deep learning approaches for more accurate morbidity identification from clinical notes.

Getting Started

In this paper we have used n2c2 NLP Dataset for which we had to request access from Harvard Medical School Portal. This dataset was originally generated during the i2b2 project.


Clone the repository

  • git clone https://github.com/shhr3y/DLH-Proj

We highly recommend to use a virtual enviroment for this project as there might be some dependencies which might cause version conflicts. We are using Miniforge for creating our environment.

  • run brew install miniforge to install miniforge on your system.
  • run conda create --name dlh python=3.10. (we recommend using python version 3.10 for this project)
  • run conda activate dlh

To install all the dependencies for this projects:

  • run pip install -r requirements.txt

Dataset Generation

Before proceeding, Harvard Medical School Portal is in xml format which we need to convert to csv for training. To convert .xml data to .csv format, run xml2csv.py which will generate a csv file containing all columns such as [id, text, Asthma, CAD, CHF, ..]

  • run python xml2csv.py

After generating the csv file, we need to apply our pre-processing functions (tokenization, lowercase, remove non-alpha chars, lemmatize, one-hot encode). For this purpose we can use PreProcess class with inputs as input_file_destination(generated csv file path) and output_file_destination(output csv file pash) which is in pre_processing.py which can be import into other scripts and used.

We have used Weka for some machine learning models such as J-Rip and J48. Weka tool needs its input as .arff file needs to be generated. We have used this script for pandas2arff and generated the required files needed by the Weka library. This function has been used to create dataset for TF-IDF and WordEmbedding representations. We have multiple word embedding techniques used (code in feature_generation.py) such as Word2Vec, GloVe, FastText, Universal Sentence Encoder.

  • run python screate_arff_tfidf.py for generating TF-IDF dataset.
  • run python create_arff_word_embeddings.py for generating WordEmbeddings dataset.

These instructions will get you a all the dataset files required for the project ready on your local machine for development and testing purposes.

Classical Machine Learning Models

We have implemented several Machine Learning Models such as DecisionTree, J-48, JRip, KNN, NaiveBayes, RandomForest and SVM. The code for the same models can be found under /ML/ directory. Further, we have used two types of textual representations TF-IDF and WordEmbeddings which can be found at ML/tf-idf and ML/word-embeddings.

Deep Learning Model

We have implemented Stat Bidirectional Long-Short Term Memory (BiLSTM) Layer RNN with n = 2 and 128 and 64 hidden layers. We have used Binary Cross-Entrophy as our loss function and have used several word embeddings such as GloVe, FastText, UniversalSentenceEncodder, Word2Vec. The code for this deep-learning model can be found at /DL/.

These instructions will get you a all the results of different models ready on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


CML(RN)Preformance with SMOTE and ExtraTrees

We have acheived better results with RandomForest with SMOTE and ExtreTrees classifier for feature selection in TF-IDF when compared RandomForest with AllFeatures without any feature selection or over sampling in TF-IDF, which depicts that feature selection increases performace.

Morbidity Class w/o SMOTE & ExtraTrees RFMacro F1 w/o SMOTE & ExtraTrees RF_Micro F1 SMOTE & ExtraTrees RF_Macro F1 SMOTE & ExtraTrees RF_Micro F1
Asthma 0.49245763267483306 0.8810949788263762 0.9888628096539887 0.989019801980198
CAD 0.9178062504459759 0.9233333333333335 0.9266441020391909 0.9276923076923078
CHF 1.0 1.0 1 1
Depression 0.5138524072645619 0.8058153126826418 0.9339450018380673 0.9347826086956521
Diabetes 0.8739219960299753 0.901441102756892 0.9771615914904839 0.9772943037974684
Gallstones 0.4599902140879871 0.8532485875706215 0.9294916354225806 0.9308289652494661
GERD 0.4323776782842145 0.7638605442176871 0.877896163015734 0.879045045045045
Gout 0.4647957966912661 0.8691242937853108 0.9548711662946365 0.955563853622106
Hypercholesterolemia 0.8400652419091632 0.8425490196078431 0.8845109536038042 0.8872641509433963
Hypertension 0.50500773716472 0.81743535988819 0.9610438529632302 0.9615184678522573
Hypertriglyceridemia 0.4854267614497737 0.9438924605493864 0.9836073013237844 0.9837510237510237
OA 0.46509042983465887 0.8282581453634086 0.9257431596498952 0.9271219400594829
Obesity 0.9076256375579452 0.913116883116883 0.9771596670227283 0.9777009728622632
OSA 0.5519158380668717 0.8711864406779661 0.9736740853175949 0.974296253154727
PVD 0.5783369875048958 0.8632792207792208 0.975896847083613 0.9765614275909403
Venous_Insufficiency 0.47801077753999144 0.9164368650217707 0.9736143705713205 0.9741194158075602
Average 0.6229175866566771 0.8746295342610958 0.952757669205666 0.9535350336314934

DL Performace with different word embeddings

After testing our deep learning models with different word embedding we found that USE(Universal Sentence Encoder).

Embeddings Avg Macro F1 Avg Micro F1
Word2Vec 65.98 81.99
Glove 63.87 78.95
FastText 66.65 81.94
USE 74.00 85.69

