
Offline Two Factor Authentication using UltraSound

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This repository contains the code for the Offline Two-Factor Authentication using Audio project done for CS 598 EKS Smart cities, homes and beyond under Prof. Elahe Soltanaghai. The project demonstrates offline audio based 2FA working between a web application that allows users to autheticate into 3rd party website and iOS App which works as a authenticator device not dependent on network connection for authetication.

Getting Started

Follow these steps to install and run the sample app:

Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/18suresha/5982FAProject.git

iOS App

This app acts as the authenticator in the transaction. For the first time when users launches the app it will need a active internet connection for registeration process but after finishing, it wont need internet access.



  • cd 5982FAProject/iOS

  • run pod install

  • now, open Audio2FA.xcodeproj file in the Xcode

  • pass your App-ID in the AppDelegate file, and run the app.

Web App

This acts as authenticating party in the transaction. when a user tries to authenticate, this will interact with authenticator for authentication.

npm (comes with Node.js)

Running the server

In the WebApp folder, open up index.html in a Google Chrome browser.

Once you open the web app, login with your email and password, a popup will open up, click Start Capturing, and play the audio on your phone by clicking the button in the app. The popup should disappear and you should be redirected to the main webpage with a successful login message.

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.



More information regarding this project can be found in the info_paper.pdf attached.