Machine Learning Query System via Django
This is an image classification system for HW1 of Security and Privacy of Machine Learning.
Five adversarially trained models are provided for evaluating images uploaded by users.
- Students need to generate adversarial examples (images) with enough attacking strength to make pre-trained models mis-classify.
- Each submission is in .zip format containing no more than 500 images.
- Each student has only 10 submissions per day.
An csv file of the classification results on each submitted image will be provided after each submission.
Users account settings
Log In | Create an account | Authorized page |
Password reset | Set new password | Password change |
Clone the repository
git clone
cd SPML-query-system
Create virtualenv
virtualenv -p <Path to Your Python> env
source env/bin/activate
Install dependencies
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Apply migrations
python source/ migrate
Collect static files (only on a production server)
python source/ collectstatic
python source/ runserver
The codebase of the registration and login is highly borrowed from Yehor Smoliakov