
A simple UNO card game running on PC and Android devices.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

🔍Brief introduction

This is a simple UNO card game running on PC and Android devices.

💻For Windows x64 PC Devices

Download the binary release

  1. Go to release page and download the latest version in zip file (UnoCard-v3.6.zip).
  2. Unzip the downloaded zip file, then execute UnoCard.exe and have fun!

Download the source code and compile manually

  1. Before continuing, make sure that you have Qt 5.12.12 MinGW 64-bit and Visual Studio Code installed on your computer. Download Qt 5.12 offline installer from: Download Offline Installers, and Visual Studio Code installer from: Visual Studio Code - Code Editing. Redefined. DO NOT CHANGE THE INSTALLATION DIRECTORIES. KEEP THEM AS DEFAULT.
  2. Add the following directory into your PATH environment variable: C:\Qt\Qt5.12.12\5.12.12\mingw73_64\bin
  3. Clone this repository by executing the following command in Windows Terminal or Git Bash (replace <proj_root> with a directory path where you want to store this repository):
git clone https://github.com/shiawasenahikari/UnoCard.git <proj_root>
  1. Open <proj_root>\UnoCard directory in your Visual Studio Code.
  2. Execute [Run]->[Run Without Debugging] menu command (or press Ctrl+F5) to run this program.

💻For MAC OS X PC Devices

  1. Ensure that you have installed Qt Toolkit on your computer. If not, install it by executing the following command in your bash terminal:
brew install qt5
brew link --force qt5
  1. Ensure that you have installed Visual Studio Code on your computer. If not, get installer from: Visual Studio Code - Code Editing. Redefined.
  2. Clone this repository by executing the following command in your bash terminal (replace <proj_root> with a directory path where you want to store this repository):
git clone https://github.com/shiawasenahikari/UnoCard.git <proj_root>
  1. Open <proj_root>/UnoCard directory in your Visual Studio Code.
  2. Execute [Run]->[Run Without Debugging] menu command (or press Ctrl+F5) to run this program.

💻For Linux x86_64 PC Devices

  1. Ensure that you have installed Qt Toolkit on your computer. If not, install it by executing the following command in your bash terminal:
# For Ubuntu/Debian users:
sudo apt install qt5-default qtmultimedia5-dev

# For Fedora/CentOS/RHEL users:
sudo yum install epel-release && sudo yum install qt5*
  1. Ensure that you have installed GStreamer library on your computer. If not, install it by executing the following commands in your bash terminal:
# For Ubuntu/Debian users:
sudo apt install libgstreamer1.0-dev
sudo apt install libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-dev
sudo apt install gstreamer1.0-plugins-base gstreamer1.0-plugins-good gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad
sudo apt install gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly gstreamer1.0-libav gstreamer1.0-doc gstreamer1.0-tools
sudo apt install gstreamer1.0-x gstreamer1.0-alsa gstreamer1.0-gl gstreamer1.0-gtk3 gstreamer1.0-qt5
sudo apt install gstreamer1.0-pulseaudio

# For Fedora/CentOS/RHEL users:
sudo yum install epel-release && sudo yum install gstreamer*
  1. Ensure that you have installed Visual Studio Code on your computer. If not, get installer from: Visual Studio Code - Code Editing. Redefined.
  2. Clone this repository by executing the following command in your bash terminal (replace <proj_root> with a directory path where you want to store this repository):
git clone https://github.com/shiawasenahikari/UnoCard.git <proj_root>
  1. Open <proj_root>/UnoCard directory in your Visual Studio Code.
  2. Execute [Run]->[Run Without Debugging] menu command (or press Ctrl+F5) to run this program.

📱For Android Phone Devices

Download the binary release

  1. Go to release page and download the latest version in apk file (UnoCard-v3.6.apk).
  2. On your Android phone, open [Settings] app, go to [Security] page, then check the [Unknown sources] toggle.
  3. Push the downloaded file to your Android phone, then install and launch it to have fun!

Download the source code and compile manually

  1. Clone this repository by executing the following command in Windows Terminal or Git Bash (replace <proj_root> with a directory path where you want to store this repository):
git clone https://github.com/shiawasenahikari/UnoCard.git <proj_root>
  1. Open your Android Studio IDE (version 4.3 or higher), click [Open an existing Android Studio project], then select the <proj_root>\UnoCard-android directory. Click [OK].
  2. You may need to install missing components during the project building procedure, such as Android SDK 30, and Android Build Tools 30.0.3.
  3. Enable USB debugging function on your Android phone, connect your phone to computer, then execute [Run]->[Run 'app'] menu command to run this application on your phone. (NOTE: You cannot run this app via x86 simulators, since this app does not support devices based on x86 architecture.)

🎴How to play

  1. Each player draws 7 cards to set up a new UNO game. Player to the left of the dealer plays first. Play passes to the left to start (YOU->WEST->NORTH->EAST).

  2. Match the top card on the DISCARD pile either by color or content. For example, if the card is a Green 7 (pic #1), you must play a Green card (pic #2), or a 7 card with another color (pic #3). Or, you may play any [wild] (pic #4) or [wild +4] (pic #5) card. If you don't have anything that matches, or you just don't want to play any of your playable cards, you must pick a card from the DRAW pile. If you draw a card you can play, you may play it immediately. Otherwise, play moves to the next person.

  1. When you play a +2 (Draw Two) card, the next person to play must draw 2 cards and forfeit his/her turn. This card may only be played on a matching color or on another +2 card.

  1. When you play a 🔄 (Reverse), reverse direction of play. Play to the left now passes to the right, and vice versa. This card may only be played on a matching color or on another 🔄 card.

  1. When you play a 🚫 (Skip) card, the next person to play loses his/her turn and is "skipped". This card may only be played on a matching color or on another 🚫 card.

  1. When you play a ⊕ (Wild) card, you may change the color being played to any color (including current color) to continue play. You may play a ⊕ card even if you have another playable card in hand.

  1. When you play a +4 (Wild Draw Four) card, call the next color played, require the next player to pick 4 cards from the DRAW pile, and foreit his/her turn. However, there is a hitch! You can only play this card when you don't have a card in your hand that matches the color of the previously played card. If you suspect that your previous player has played a +4 card illegally, you may challenge him/her. A challenged player must show his/her hand to the player who challenged. If the challenged player actually used the +4 card illegally, the challenged player draws 4 cards instead. On the other hand, if the challenged player is not guilty, the challenger must draw the 4 cards, plus 2 additional cards.

  1. Before playing your next-to-last card, you must say "UNO". In this application, "UNO" will be said automatically. Who successfully played his/her last card becomes the winner.

💡Special Rules

How to Enable

Click the <OPTIONS> button in the left-bottom corner, and enable your favorite special rules.


When someone plays a 7, that player must swap hands with another player. When anyone plays a 0, everyone rotates hands in the direction of play.


+2 cards can be stacked. A player that can't add to the stack must draw the total.


这是运行在 PC 和 Android 设备上的简易 UNO 纸牌游戏。

💻在 Windows x64 PC 设备上运行

下载编译好的 binary release

  1. 进入 release 页面下载最新版本的 zip 包 (UnoCard-v3.6.zip).
  2. 解压并执行 UnoCard.exe 开始游戏。


  1. 在您开始编译前,请确认您的电脑上已安装 Qt 5.12.12 MinGW 64bitVisual Studio Code。 访问以下页面下载 Qt 5.12 离线安装包: Download Offline Installers。 访问以下界面下载 Visual Studio Code 安装包: Visual Studio Code - Code Editing. Redefined。 软件的安装目录保持默认即可,请勿更改。
  2. 将以下目录添加到你的 PATH 环境变量中: C:\Qt\Qt5.12.12\5.12.12\mingw73_64\bin
  3. 在 Windows 命令提示符或 Git Bash 中执行如下命令以克隆本仓库 (请将 <proj_root> 替换为存储本仓库源码的目录路径)
git clone https://github.com/shiawasenahikari/UnoCard.git <proj_root>
  1. 用 Visual Studio Code 打开 <proj_root>\UnoCard 目录。
  2. 执行 [运行]->[以非调试模式运行] 菜单命令 (或按 Ctrl+F5) 开始运行。

💻在 MAC OS X PC 设备上运行

  1. 请确认您的电脑上已安装 Qt 工具包。若您尚未安装,则在 Bash 终端中执行如下命令安装:
brew install qt5
brew link --force qt5
  1. 请确认您的电脑上已安装 Visual Studio Code。若您尚未安装,则访问以下界面获取安装包: Visual Studio Code - Code Editing. Redefined
  2. 在 Bash 中执行如下命令以克隆本仓库 (请将 <proj_root> 替换为存储本仓库源码的目录路径)
git clone https://github.com/shiawasenahikari/UnoCard.git <proj_root>
  1. 用 Visual Studio Code 打开 <proj_root>/UnoCard 目录。
  2. 执行 [运行]->[以非调试模式运行] 菜单命令 (或按 Ctrl+F5) 开始运行。

💻在 Linux x86_64 PC 设备上运行

  1. 请确认您的电脑上已安装 Qt 工具包。若您尚未安装,则在 Bash 终端中执行如下命令以安装:
# Ubuntu/Debian 发行版用户执行该条
sudo apt install qt5-default qtmultimedia5-dev

# Fedora/CentOS/RHEL 发行版用户执行该条
sudo yum install epel-release && sudo yum install qt5*
  1. 请确认您的电脑上已安装 GStreamer。若您尚未安装,则在 Bash 终端中执行如下命令以安装:
# Ubuntu/Debian 发行版用户执行以下命令
sudo apt install libgstreamer1.0-dev
sudo apt install libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-dev
sudo apt install gstreamer1.0-plugins-base gstreamer1.0-plugins-good gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad
sudo apt install gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly gstreamer1.0-libav gstreamer1.0-doc gstreamer1.0-tools
sudo apt install gstreamer1.0-x gstreamer1.0-alsa gstreamer1.0-gl gstreamer1.0-gtk3 gstreamer1.0-qt5
sudo apt install gstreamer1.0-pulseaudio

# Fedora/CentOS/RHEL 发行版用户执行以下命令
sudo yum install epel-release && sudo yum install gstreamer*
  1. 请确认您的电脑上已安装 Visual Studio Code。若您尚未安装,则访问以下界面获取安装包: Visual Studio Code - Code Editing. Redefined
  2. 在 Bash 中执行如下命令以克隆本仓库 (请将 <proj_root> 替换为存储本仓库源码的目录路径)
git clone https://github.com/shiawasenahikari/UnoCard.git <proj_root>
  1. 用 Visual Studio Code 打开 <proj_root>/UnoCard 目录。
  2. 执行 [运行]->[以非调试模式运行] 菜单命令 (或按 Ctrl+F5) 开始运行。

📱在 Android 设备上运行

下载编译好的 binary release

  1. 进入 release 页面下载最新版本的 apk 包 (UnoCard-v3.6.apk).
  2. 打开您的 Android 设备中的 [设置] 应用,进入 [安全] 页面,勾选 [未知来源] 复选框。
  3. 将已下载的安装包传到手机中,安装并运行即可开始游戏。


  1. 在 Windows 命令提示符或 Git Bash 中执行如下命令以克隆本仓库 (请将 <proj_root> 替换为存储本仓库源码的目录路径)
git clone https://github.com/shiawasenahikari/UnoCard.git <proj_root>
  1. 打开您的 Android Studio IDE (版本 4.3 或更高), 单击 [Open an existing Android Studio project], 并选择 <proj_root>\UnoCard-android 目录。然后单击 [OK] 按钮。
  2. 在项目生成过程中,您可能需要安装缺失的组件,诸如 Android SDK 30 以及 Android Build Tools 30.0.3。
  3. 打开您 Android 设备中的 USB 调试功能,然后将您的 Android 设备连接到电脑,执行 [Run]->[Run 'app'] 菜单命令以便在您的 Android 设备上运行此应用。 注意:您不能在 x86 模拟器上运行此应用。我们的应用不支持基于 x86 架构的设备。


  1. 每位玩家抓 7 张牌以开启一局新的 UNO 游戏。由庄家左手边的玩家最先出牌,起始出牌顺序为顺时针方向 (玩家->西家->北家->东家)。

  2. 第一位出牌的玩家依牌库翻出的第一张牌的颜色或内容跟牌。例如,第一张翻出的牌是绿 7 (图 1), 则您必须跟绿牌 (图 2) 或其他颜色的 7 牌 (图 3)。或者,您也可以跟万能牌 (图 4) 或王牌 (图 5)。 后续的玩家则依前一张跟出的牌的颜色或内容跟牌。当您没有可跟的牌,或不愿跟出任何一张可跟的牌时, 需要从牌库上方摸一张牌。如果摸到的是可跟的牌,则您可以立即将该牌跟出。然后轮到下一位玩家行动。

  1. 当您跟出一张 +2 (罚两张) 时,您的下家必须摸两张牌,并失去一次行动权。 这张牌只有在与前一张跟出的牌同色或同为 +2 时才能跟出。

  1. 当您跟出一张 🔄 (反转牌) 时,改变接下来的行动顺序。若原先为顺时针方向则改为逆时针方向,反之亦然。 这张牌只有在与前一张跟出的牌同色或同为 🔄 时才能跟出。

  1. 当您跟出一张 🚫 (阻挡牌) 时,您的下家“被跳过”,失去一次行动权。 这张牌只有在与前一张跟出的牌同色或同为 🚫 时才能跟出。

  1. 当您跟出一张 ⊕ (万能牌) 时,指定接下来跟牌的颜色 (可更换颜色,亦可保持当前的颜色) 并继续游戏。 在您的行动回合里,您随时可跟出该牌,即使您手中仍有其他可跟的牌。

  1. 当您跟出一张 +4 (王牌) 时,指定接下来跟牌的颜色,然后令您的下家摸四张牌, 并失去一次行动权。 但是,有一个限制!您只有在手中没有与前一张跟牌同色的牌时才能跟这张牌。当您的上家对您使用 +4 时, 您有权质疑您的上家没按规定跟出它。此时您的上家必须出示其所有手牌。若您的上家确实非法使用 +4 了, 则改为其摸四张牌;反之,如果上家是合法使用的,则您除了原先的四张牌外,还要额外罚摸两张牌。

  1. 当您打出了倒数第二张牌 (即出完此牌后只剩一张牌),您必须大声喊出 UNO。 本程序会在满足条件时自动喊出 UNO。最先出完手中所有牌的玩家获胜。



点击左下角的 <OPTIONS> 按钮,然后在选项界面中开启您喜欢的特殊规则。


当一位玩家打出 7 时,该玩家需要和另一位玩家交换手牌。 当一位玩家打出 0 时,所有玩家将手牌传给各自的下家。


当一位玩家使用 +2 牌时,下家可以叠加另一张 +2 以免去惩罚。最终无法叠加 +2 的玩家摸取所有的罚牌。



Copyright 2022 Hikari Toyama

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.