
This is just a demo command-line bouncy game made while Learning Rust programming

Primary LanguageRust


This is just a demo command line bouncy game made while Learning Rust programming


I made this bouncygame through following Rust Crash course tutorial , To check the full tutorial please check out on Make a bouncy game


To successful run this code , you need to have Rust and Cargo installed on your Machine

CLICK HERE fo instalation guide

Getting started

Just clone the repo and use cargo to run the code as shown below

    $ git clone https://github.com/shibam120302/Rust-bouncygame
    $ cd Rust-bouncygame
    Rust-bouncygame->$ cargo run 


Now you're game should be running bouncing balls on the command line display as shown in picture below

Bouncing game

Well Thanks , Let's Oxidize the world together