

This repository implements Ricart-Agrawala Mutual Exclusion Algorithm using channels and Goroutines in Go language.

Usage of channels and Goroutines in Go language for Ricart-Agrawala algorithm can be very useful for creating Distributed System based simulators with entities like devices and resources representing the objects in the simulation.

Default program

The default program contains three devices, A, B and C. A is not interested in accessing the resource with the line, notInterestedInResource = true in Device struct which calls a separate function func notInterested(final_end chan string) instead of the regular function func modifyResourceValue(resourceName string, newValue int, final_end chan string).

Devices B and C attempt to alter the resource "x" using timestamps and communication using channels.

The process looks similar to the image below Ricart Agrawala diagram

How to run

  1. Clone the repository to your desired folder.
  2. Change the terminal working directory to git folder.
  3. Run the program using go run ricart_agrawala_channels.go.
  4. you should get the mutual exclusion process output in the console.

(Note: The output may not always look sequential which is natural part of the Goroutines.)


Execution screenshot