
fork 自 https://github.com/iSapozhnik/Popover

Primary LanguageSwift


A description of this package.

因项目的需要 对iSapozhnik Popover 进行细微的修改, 感谢https://github.com/iSapozhnik/Popover

使用方法 和 https://github.com/shibiao/Popover 里swift packages一样, 新添加了对已存在的NSStatusItem的嵌入方法 ,而非由Popover底层创建

public func prepare(with statusItem: NSStatusItem, contentViewController viewController: NSViewController)


Since this is a Swift Package, the installation process is pretty stright forward.

Manual way

Update your Package.swift dependencies:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/shibiao/Popover", from: "1.4.0")

Via Xcode:

  1. Go to File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency.
  2. Put GitHub URL https://github.com/shibiao/Popover and click Next
  3. Select the latest version
  4. Click Finish