
This is a collection of Data Structures and Algorithms

Primary LanguageC++


DISCLAMER(Very Very Important)

  1. Knowing a programming language and DSA are two different things .

    eg. you might be knowing python , c, c++ , java etc but if you know DSA then you can implement them in any programming language with minor syntatic modifications .

  2. This Repository does not intend to spoon feed , it can be used for studying in the right direction , but the efforts should be solely yours .


If you want to crack the interviews and get into the product based compnies.

If you love to solve the real-world complex problems.

WHY C++ ?

C++ is by far the the most popular language of choice for competitive programmers across the world as it is usually faster than Java and Python, and most of the resources are available in C++. C++ also has a vast library called STL(Standard Template Library) which makes life a lot easier for competitive coders.


  1. 1-D Arrays
  2. 2-D Arrays
  3. Array ADT
  4. Character Arrays
  5. Strings
  6. Pointers
  7. Dynamic Memory Allocation
  8. STL - ALGO'S
  9. Sorting Algorithms
  11. Vectors
  12. Bit Manipulation
  13. Number Theory
  14. Recursion
  15. Backtracking
  16. Space and Time Complexities
  17. OOP'S
  18. Linked List
  19. Stacks
  20. Queues
  21. Deque
  22. Binary Tree
  23. Binary Search Tree
  24. Heaps
  25. Hashing
  26. Greedy Algorithms
  27. Dynamic Programming
  28. Graph
  29. Segment Tree/Fenwick Tree