Flutter geofence

Getting Started

This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.

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Setup & Execute

This project develop & written using VS Code.

  1. Install package: flutter pub get
  2. Run: flutter run




The project using flutter_driver and flutter_gherkin for execute automation testing. Gherkin or Cucumber able to support Behaviour-Driven Development(BDD), which is make test script more understandable. There are 5 test cases covered,

  1. Add Geofence
  2. Status inside
  3. Edit Geofence
  4. Status outside
  5. Delete geofence

However, for the permission need manually accept it

All the list of features are available in https://github.com/shiburagi/setel_geofence/tree/master/test_driver/features.

  1. Install package: flutter pub get
  2. Run: dart test_driver/app_test.dart