The code for Diversity-guided Distillation with Modality-center Regularization for Robust Multimodal Remote Sensing Image Classification


  • Ubuntu20.04
  • CUDA11.3
  • PyToch1.12
  • python3.8



Train process

  • To average the results, for each sub-task, we train three models and choose the one with middle performance for the following task.

Train multimodal teacher

cd src
bash huston2013_F_HL_unimodal_center_patch.sh
bash huston2013_F_HM_share_unimodal_center.sh
bash augsburg_F_HSD_DGD.sh

Distillation with DGD and MCR

cd src
bash huston2013_HM_transfer_share_unimodal_center.sh
bash huston2013_HM_transfer_share_unimodal_center.sh
bash augsburg_T_HSD_share_unimodal_center.sh


cd test
python multi_modal_share_unimodal_center.py 0 0+0 0 0 0
python augsburg_multimodal_unimodal_center.py 0 0+0 0 0 0

Comparison Method


  • Hemis

    cd src
     bash huston2013_F_HL_MV.sh
     bash huston2013_F_HM_MV.sh
     bash augsburg_F_HSD_hemis_tri.sh
  • mmformer

    cd src
     bash huston2013_F_HL_mmformer.sh
     bash huston2013_F_HM_mmformer.sh
     bash augsburg_F_HSD_mmformer_tri.sh
  • ShaSpec

    cd src
     bash huston2013_F_HL_ShaSpec.sh
     bash augsburg_F_HSD_shaspec_tri.sh
     bash huston2013_F_HM_ShaSpec.sh


  cd test
  python huston2013_hemis.py 0 0+0 0 0 0
  python huston2013_mmformer.py 0 0+0 0 0 0
  python huston2013_shaspec.py 0 0+0 0 0 0

Abalation on Backbone

  • ResNet

     cd src 
     bash huston2013_F_general_resnet_share_full.sh
     bash huston2013_T_general_RESNET_unimodal_share.sh
  • AlexNet

      cd src
      bash huston2013_F_general_alex_share_full.sh
      bash huston2013_T_general_ALEX_share_unimodal.sh
  • Test

      python multi_modal_general.py 0 0+0 0 0 0


  • Prepairation
    • the patch of each pixel from the dataset
    • pretrained model
    • details can be seen in the function of huston_prediction_plot and augsburg_prediction_plot in prediction_plot.py
  • Code
    cd test
    python prediction_plot.py