Build status
TCP / IP based HTTP communication can be simplified and Twitter OAuth
API Server:
Codable SwiftyJSON and SWXMLHash is recommended.
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it with the following command:
$ gem install cocoapods
To integrate GMSDirection into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile
vi ./Podfile
If you do not have the google map SDK for iOS
target 'Target Name' do
pod 'HttpSession'
Then, run the following command:
$ pod setup
$ pod install
Via SSH: For those who plan on regularly making direct commits, cloning over SSH may provide a better experience (which requires uploading SSH keys to GitHub):
$ git clone
Via https: For those checking out sources as read-only, HTTPS works best:
$ git clone
GET http method
Http.request(url: "", method: .get)
.session(completion: { (data, responce, error) in
self.detail(data: data!)
POST http method
let param = ["http_post":"Http Request POST 😄"]
Http.request(url: "",method: .post)
.session(param: param,
completion: { (data, responce, error) in {
self.detail(data: data!, param: param.hashString())
Download http method
Http.request(url: "", method: .get)
.download(progress: { (written, total, expectedToWrite) in
let progress = Float(total) / Float(expectedToWrite)
print(String(format: "%.2f", progress * 100) + "%")
}, download: { (location) in
print ("location: \(String(describing: location))")
}, completionHandler: { (data, responce, error) in
self.detail(data: data!)
Like Moya
enum DemoApi {
case zen
case post(param: Tapul)
case jsonPost(param: [String: String])
case download
case upload
extension DemoApi: ApiProtocol {
var encode: Http.Encode {
switch self {
case .zen, .post, .upload, .download:
return .url
case .jsonPost:
return .json
var isNeedDefaultHeader: Bool {
var domain: String {
switch self {
case .zen, .post, .upload:
return ""
case .download:
return ""
case .jsonPost:
return ""
var endPoint: String {
switch self {
case .zen:
return "getApi.json"
case .post:
return "postApi.json"
case .download:
return "apple-movie.mp4"
case .upload:
return "imageUp.json"
case .jsonPost:
return "json.json"
var method: Http.Method {
switch self {
case .zen:
return .get
case .post, .jsonPost, .upload:
return .post
case .download:
return .get
var header: [String: String]? {
var params: [String: String]? {
switch self {
case .zen:
return nil
case let .post(val):
return [val.value.0: val.value.1]
case let .jsonPost(param):
return param
case .upload:
return nil
case .download:
return nil
var multipart: [Multipartible]? {
switch self {
case .upload:
let image: String? = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "re", ofType: "txt")
let img: Data
do {
img = try Data(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: image!))
} catch {
img = Data()
return [Multipartible(key: "img",
fileName: "Hello.txt",
mineType: "text/plain",
data: img)]
case .zen, .post, .jsonPost, .download:
return nil
var isCookie: Bool {
var basicAuth: [String: String]? {
let provider:ApiProvider = ApiProvider<DemoApi>()
provider.send(api: .zen) { (data, responce, error) in
self.detail(data: data!)
provider.send(api: .post(param: (key:"http_post",value:"Http Request POST 😄"))) { (data, responce, error) in
print (String(data: data!, encoding: .utf8))