We looked into a handful of options (WeasyPrint, Prince, PanDoc, etc), but ultimately printing via Chrome makes the most sense. Unfortunately, I don't know how to make Chrome underlay a full-bleed background while keeping the inter-page margins, so instead we leave the background out and use qpdf to underlay the background.
/Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome --headless --disable-gpu --print-to-pdf=/tmp/out.pdf --no-margins --no-pdf-header-footer https://ahep1776.org/modules/freedom-on-the-menu/
- needs to print from a server in order to load web fonts, etc (but could be a local server)
- try standard locations for Chrome on different OS'es
qpdf --underlay ahep-bg.pdf --repeat=1-z -- chrome.pdf final.pdf
- Installed via rbenv - had to make sure we were actually using a version
- Use
bundle exec jekyll serve
bundle exec jekyll build --config _config.dev.yml
TODO - ruby is too finicky. Let's look into gatsby.js.
npx sass
Use the Desktop GitHub client to manage the git.
Clone the repo to your local disk, then after making changes to modules, push
them to a branch to merge into main
. We will set up automatic deployment from