
The solution for the ziina interview problem

Primary LanguageSvelte

Ziina Assignment Solution


This repo contains the solution for the Ziina interview task. It's built using Svelte, Typescript, and Node, with unit tests implemented in Vitest.


  1. Typescript: This project is written in Typescript, a strict syntactical superset of JavaScript. Make sure you are familiar with Typescript before jumping onto the code.
  2. Node.js: Node.js is required for installing and managing the project's dependencies.
  3. PNPM: This project uses PNPM for installing node modules. However, you are free to use Yarn or NPM if you prefer.

Getting Started

Setting up the project

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone git@github.com:shidhincr/ziina-assignment.git
    cd ziina-assignment
  2. Install the dependencies:

    Using PNPM:

    pnpm install

    Alternatively, you can use Yarn or NPM:

    yarn install
    # OR
    npm install

Development Workflow

  1. Start the development server:

    pnpm dev

    This will start the development server at http://localhost:5173.

  2. Build for production:

    To generate the production build, run the following command:

    pnpm build

    This will create a dist folder in your project directory containing the optimized production build. This can be previewed using pnpm preview.

  3. Run unit tests:

    To execute the unit tests, use the following command:

    pnpm test

    This will run the Vitest suite and display the test results in your terminal.

Live Demo

The project is hosted on Vercel, a cloud platform for static sites and Serverless Functions. You can access the live demo here.

Technologies Used

  • Svelte - A component framework for building user interfaces.
  • Typescript - A strict syntactical superset of JavaScript.
  • Vitejs - A build tool that aims to provide a faster and leaner development experience.
  • Vitest - A test runner for Vite projects.
  • Vercel - A cloud platform for static sites and Serverless Functions.


  • I initially tried the IntersectionObserver API to find the intersection and calculate the area. However, the original use case of the IntersectionObserver API was not for this purpose, so it became difficult to use that API.
  • My next attempt was to:
    • Identify the intersecting rectangles.
    • Calculate the total area of those rectangles.
    • If they are overlapping each other, subtract that area from the total.
    • Finally, calculate the total area of the red box and subtract the total area of intersecting rectangles.
  • This was successful, and I wrote extensive unit tests to implement it.
  • However, there appear to be edge cases when multiple blue rectangles overlap on top of the red box.
  • The calculations became complex, and I sought a simpler approach.
  • Finally, in the latest code, instead of calculating all those intersecting rectangles, I created a Map of all intersecting points.
  • At the same time, I increased a counter to find the total area of the overlapping rectangles.
  • Subtracting this total area from the area of the red box gives the visible area.


Shidhin CR