These are example programs that use the RC2014 dual analogue input module, built to run on cpm or classic machines.


A version of the classic drawing toy that is every bit as hard to use. It requires a pot connected to both analogue ports and a TMS module or TMS emulator on 98/99 or 08/09. Press C to 'shake' the screen and clear. What masterpiece can you create?


Samples port A as quickly as possible and then displays the data in an oscilloscope style. Requires TMS module or TMS emulator on 98/99 or 08/09. Press a key to resample.


The classic game, based on the home TV game versions of the '70s, mine was Binatone. I've added a colour option (the posh kids had a Grandstand console and a colour TV!) I've not been obsessive about the accuracy but it's reasonably close. The options for bat size and speed are also in there. Requires TMS module or TMS emulator on 98/99 or 08/09 and optionally an AY module on ports D8/D0 or A0/A1. (The classic 32k version expects the TMS on 08/09 and AY on D8/D0 due to the port clashes with the ACIA). If using the Why Emulator, jumper to MSX ports A0/A1.

Note that if using a real TMS or an emulator that is set to have the '4 sprites per scanline' limitation, then the 'Football' game (2 bats per player) will have a little bit of a glitch when the bats and ball are on the same scanline.