Generate your resume in markdown easily from Github actions ✅ using discussion section 📃 🚀
Pinned issues
- 0
Ts file not recognized
#802 opened by eerison - 1
New layout focused to be easily processed by hr software
#741 opened by eerison - 0
Move template code for outside of repository
#757 opened by eerison - 0
#775 opened by SethKhalif - 0
- 0
add yaml lint
#732 opened by eerison - 1
create discussion template
#728 opened by eerison - 1
Generate resume from discussion
#724 opened by eerison - 1
Phone format
#690 opened by eerison - 0
when update the photo it doesn't appear
#681 opened by eerison - 0
curriucum needs to use bucket link
#682 opened by eerison - 0
Favicon not found
#688 opened by sentry-io - 1
Add SEO analitcs in pipelines
#624 opened by eerison - 0
Remove old code related with authentication
#653 opened by eerison - 1
- 0
Create own file to deploy
#699 opened by eerison - 0
Create own file for test pipelines
#698 opened by eerison - 0
Split part of process build
#570 opened by eerison - 0
Move out from heroku
#692 opened by eerison - 0
Use the new namespace for shield-wall repository
#687 opened by eerison - 0
Add lint for translations
#684 opened by eerison - 0
Twig\Error\RuntimeError: An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Unable to generate a URL for th...
#677 opened by sentry-io - 0
Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException: App\Entity\User object not found by the @ParamConverter annotation.
#661 opened by sentry-io - 0
Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\RouteNotFoundException: Unable to generate a URL for the named route "app_register" as such route does not exist.
#671 opened by sentry-io - 1
Too many redirects for private page
#669 opened by eerison - 0
Too many redirects in logout page
#667 opened by eerison - 0
Change staging env to stage
#662 opened by eerison - 0
check login for users uthenticated
#663 opened by eerison - 0
The service "Sentry\Monolog\Handler" has a dependency on a non-existent service "Sentry\State\HubInterface"
#658 opened by eerison - 0
- 0
Implement the new Symfony authenticator
#610 opened by eerison - 1
Fix deploy
#638 opened by eerison - 0
back to use google analytics
#639 opened by eerison - 0
Fix privacy policy requirements for google
#636 opened by eerison - 0
Setup project
#628 opened by eerison - 0
create a Privacy Policies page
#629 opened by eerison - 0
Upgrade phpstan to level 2
#601 opened by eerison - 0
Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException: No route found for "GET"
#616 opened by sentry-io - 0
Error: Call to undefined method Symfony\Component\PasswordHasher\Hasher\UserPasswordHasher::encodePasswo...
#619 opened by sentry-io - 0
Remove 404 and 405 skip from logs
#609 opened by eerison - 1
- 0
Export curriculum from the project
#602 opened by eerison - 0
Use cache v3 for github actions
#606 opened by eerison - 0
Update frontend dependencies
#597 opened by eerison - 0
Add phpstan lint
#594 opened by eerison - 0
Add Rector php
#571 opened by eerison - 0
Add esc lint
#587 opened by eerison - 0
- 1
Symfony runtime in stage server
#576 opened by eerison - 0
Change google analitcs to cloud flare analitcs
#572 opened by eerison