
Website for Books which can be magazines, textbook, storybook or comics. On the homepage there will be listing of all the books which can further be sorted/filtered out from the navigation.

Primary LanguagePHP


Database File location


Run the file as : localhost/booklisting

booklisting is the name of the folder in which the file is

Admin Account

Username - admin Password - 1234567

Regular account

Username - hather Password - 123456

Project Name: BookListing

Team Members: Aradhana Elisa Shifatul Islam


Website for Books which can be magazines, textbook, storybook or comics. On the homepage there will be listing of all the books which can further be sorted/filtered out from the navigation. User can create his/her profile to add a new book to the website, he can edit his entered book at any time. Admin will the access to edit/delete book for any user.
Main class: Books Children class: Textbooks, Story books, comics, magazines. Database Tables: Both working Books: Title, sub title, description, author, price, publisher, ISBN, cover(image), date created, date modified, isDeleted (bool), pages, number of views, userId (foreign key: user). Textbook: Course Storybook: Genre Magazine: Publish date Comics: Type, Genre Comments: userId (foreign key), username, isDeleted, bookId, comment text, date created. User: username, firstname, lastname, email address, gender, dob, password, account type, profile pic.

Pages to be created on the website:

Login/Register Homepage 4 pages for all the categories: comics, textbooks, storybooks and magazine Create a new book page individual books page user profile page About us


Aradhana Elisa Login/Register Retrieve the information for the user on the user profile page User’s information can be edited by the admin User can edit his own info Sort for the Books – date created, price

Shifatul Islam Books- Create books Shows listing of the books by category- story books, textbooks, comics and magazines View and edit books for the same user Admin can edit/delete book for any user Search for books - title

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