
A powerful player progress bar, just like youtube and bilibili

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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A powerful player progress bar that supports chapters, markers, heatmaps, thumbnails, live broadcasts, rotations, and more. It also supports custom UI, which can be made into the appearance of the player progress bar of Youtube or Bilibili.

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npm i ppbar

or via CDN

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/ppbar@latest/dist/index.min.css">

<script src="https://unpkg.com/ppbar@latest/dist/index.min.js"></script>



The first step is to import the ProgressBar class and the style of ppbar.

import ProgressBar from 'ppbar';
import 'ppbar/dist/index.min.css';

const div = document.createElement('div');
const bar = new ProgressBar(div, {
  // config


The ProgressBar constructor accepts two parameters, the first is its container, and the second is the config for ppbar. Setting the first parameter will automatically add the ppbar's DOM element to the incoming container.

Of course, if you want to manually add the DOM element of ppbar, you can set the first parameter to undefined.

import ProgressBar from 'ppbar';
import 'ppbar/dist/index.min.css';

const bar = new ProgressBar(undefined, {
  // config


ppbar has an updateConfig method that can be used to dynamically update config at any time.

import ProgressBar from 'ppbar';
import 'ppbar/dist/index.min.css';

const bar = new ProgressBar(undefined, {
  // config


bar.updateConfig({ /* new config */ })

// Destroy the bar object if you don't need it anymore


Chapters can set the progress bar segmentation effect. Each chapter must have a title, which will be displayed when the mouse hovers the progress bar.

Chapters should have a time attribute, indicating the end of the chapter, the last chapter can omit the time attribute.

import ProgressBar from 'ppbar';
import 'ppbar/dist/index.min.css';

new ProgressBar(document.body, {
  chapters: [
    { time: 10, title: 'chapter1' },
    { time: 20, title: 'chapter2' },
    { title: 'chapter3' },

A total of 3 chapters are set above.

  1. 0s - 10s chapter1
  2. 10s - 20s chapter2
  3. 20s - duration chapter3


Markers allow you to place markers on the progress bar, each of which can be placed in a custom DOM or an image.

import ProgressBar from 'ppbar';
import 'ppbar/dist/index.min.css';

new ProgressBar(document.body, {
  markers: [
    { time: 10, title: 'marker1', image: './img.jpg', size: [30, 30] },

The above code sets a marker at the 10-second position of the progress bar. There is an image in the marker, and its size is 30x30.

In addition to images, you can also use custom dom elements.

import ProgressBar from 'ppbar';
import 'ppbar/dist/index.min.css';

const div = document.createElement('div')

new ProgressBar(document.body, {
  markers: [
    { time: 10, title: 'marker1', el: div },

The markerClick event is fired when a marker is clicked.

import { EVENT, ProgressBar } from 'ppbar'

const bar = new ProgressBar(document.body, {
  markers: [
    { time: 10, title: 'marker1' },

bar.on(EVENT.MARKER_CLICK, (marker) => console.log(marker))


Heatmaps are used to mark changes in the views of the entire video at different time periods. For example, the views from 0 to 5 seconds is 100, and the views from 5 to 10 seconds is 200... Then plotting these views into a curve is the heat map of ppbar.

const bar = new ProgressBar(document.body, {
  heatMap: {
    points: [1, 2, 3],
    defaultDuration: 5,

The above code configuration indicates that the duration represented by each point is 5 seconds, that is, the value of 0 - 5 is 1, the value of 5 - 10 is 2, and the value of 10 - 15 is 3 .

In addition, it also supports to set the duration separately for each point.

const bar = new ProgressBar(document.body, {
  heatMap: {
    points: [{ duration: 10, score: 1 }, { score: 2 }, { duration: 2, score: 3 }],
    defaultDuration: 5,

In the above configuration, the first and third have their own durations, and the second uses defaultDuration.

If you want the heatmap to be the same as Youtube, it will only be displayed on hover, you can set hoverShow.

const bar = new ProgressBar(document.body, {
  heatMap: {
    points: [1, 2, 3],
    defaultDuration: 5,
    hoverShow: true


Thumbnails are used to preview the footage at different points in the video. A thumbnail is formed by splicing multiple small thumbnails.

const bar = new ProgressBar(document.body, {
  thumbnail: {
    start: 0, // Start time,
    gap: 10, // Single small thumbnail duration
    row: 5, // The large thumbnail is composed of several lines of small thumbnails
    col: 5, // The large thumbnail is composed of several columns of small thumbnails
    width: 160, // Single small thumbnail width
    height: 90, // Single small thumbnail height
    images: [], // Thumbnail url array

The values of the above config are all default config.

Also if you don't want to show thumbnails you can set it to false.

const bar = new ProgressBar(document.body, {
  thumbnail: false


It also supports live mode. In live mode, the time display of the progress bar will be a negative number.

new ProgressBar(document.body, { live: true })

In addition, you can use the updateConfig method to dynamically turn on and off the live mode.

const bar = new Progress(document.body) 

bar.updateConfig({ live: true })


ppbar also supports being rotated. For example, if you don't use full screen on the mobile side, but you want the video to be played horizontally, you will set transform: rotate(90deg) on the player. At this time, you need to manually update the rotation of the ppbar to prevent the ppbar interaction from failing.

const div = document.createElement('div')
div.style.transform = 'rotate(90deg)'
new ProgressBar(div, { rotate: 90 })

You can also dynamically update config via the updateRotate method.

const bar = new ProgressBar(document.body)



ppbar also emit events, you can use the on method to listen to the event, the once method to listen to the event once, and the off to cancel the event.

import { EVENT, ProgressBar } from 'ppbar'

const bar = new ProgressBar(document.body)

bar.once(EVENT.DRAGGING, console.log)
bar.on(EVENT.DRAGEND, console.log)
bar.off(EVENT.DRAGEND, console.log)

For specific event descriptions, please refer to API Events Section

Customize Theme

ppbar allows you to customize the theme.

new ProgressBar(document.body, {
  dot: '<svg>...</svg>'

The config dot can be used to define the dot of the progress bar, which can be a custom DOM element or a string. When it is a string, innerHTML will be set directly.

In addition, you can set the theme color of ppbar through CSS variables.

const bar = new ProgressBar(document.body) 

bar.el.style.setProperty('--primary-color', 'rgba(35,173,229, 1)');

--primary-color is the theme color of ppbar, default is #f00.

Finally, you can also customize the style through Sass variables.

@use '~ppbar/lib/index.scss' with (
  $primaryColor: #0f0,
  $markerDotBg: #f00,
  $heatMapHeight: 30px

in js file.

import ProgressBar from 'ppbar'
import './index.scss'

There are currently 3 custom sass variables supported.

  • $primaryColor primary color,default #f00
  • $markerDotBg marker dot background,default #fff
  • $heatMapHeight heat map height,default 40px

Integrated into the player

You can use ppbar to build your own player, or integrate it into an existing player, take nplayer as an example.

import ProgressBar, { EVENT as BAR_EVENT } from 'ppbar';
import Player, { EVENT } from 'nplayer';
import 'ppbar/dist/index.min.css'

const div = document.createElement('div')
div.style.width = '100%'
const progress = new ProgressBar(div, {
  chapters: [
    { time: 10, title: 'chapter-a' },
    { time: 28, title: 'chapter-b' },
    { time: 51, title: 'chapter-c' },
    { title: 'chapter-d' },
  markers: [{
    time: 15,
    title: 'title1',
    image: 'https://github.com/web-streaming/ppbar/blob/main/demo/m1.png?raw=true',
    size: [32, 34],
  }, {
    time: 30,
    title: 'title2',
    image: 'https://github.com/web-streaming/ppbar/blob/main/demo/m2.png?raw=true',
    size: [32, 34],
    time: 55, 
    title: 'title3', 
    image: 'https://github.com/web-streaming/ppbar/blob/main/demo/m3.png?raw=true', 
    size: [32, 34],
  heatMap: {
    points: [9592,9692,10063,41138,30485,23905,10966.5,10316.5,8533.5,7249,7181,6813,5929,18046.5,8817,3684.5],
    defaultDuration: 3.75
  thumbnail: {
    images: ['https://github.com/woopen/nplayer/blob/main/website/static/img/M1.jpg?raw=true']

const MyProgress = {
  el: div,
  init(player) {
    player.on(EVENT.DURATION_CHANGE, () => progress.updateDuration(player.duration))
    player.on(EVENT.TIME_UPDATE, () => progress.updatePlayed(player.currentTime))
    player.on(EVENT.PROGRESS, () => progress.updateBuffer(player.buffered.end(player.buffered.length - 1)))
    // Listen to player events and associate with ppbar

const player = new Player({
  src: 'http://clips.vorwaerts-gmbh.de/big_buck_bunny.mp4',
  controls: [
    ['play', 'volume', 'time', 'spacer', 'settings', 'web-fullscreen', 'fullscreen'],

progress.on(BAR_EVENT.DRAGEND, (time) => {
  player.currentTime = time
progress.on(BAR_EVENT.MARKER_CLICK, (marker) => {
  player.currentTime = marker.time
// Associate the ppbar event to the player




Name Type Description
live boolean Whether it is live mode
duration number The duration of the progress bar
rotate 0 | 90 | -90 The number of degrees the progress bar is to be rotated
dot HTMLElement | string | true Progress bar dot, true means use the default
chapters {time?:number,title:string}[] Chapters, time is the end time of a chapter, the last chapter can not be set
heatMap Object heat map
heatMap.points (number|{duration?:number;score:number})[] Heatmap Score Points
heatMap.defaultDuration Object Default single point duration
heatMap.hoverShow Object Whether to display only when hover
markers Object[] markers
markers[].time number Required, marker time
markers[].title string Marker title
markers[].el HTMLElement Marker DOM element
markers[].image string Marker image
markers[].size number[] Marker image sizes
thumbnail Object | false Thumbnail, false to not display
thumbnail.start number Start time,default 0
thumbnail.gap number Single small thumbnail duration, default 10
thumbnail.row number The large thumbnail is composed of several lines of small thumbnails, default 5
thumbnail.col number The large thumbnail is composed of several columns of small thumbnails, default 5
thumbnail.width number Thumbnail width, default 160
thumbnail.height number Thumbnail height, default 90
thumbnail.images string[] Thumbnail url array


Name Type Description
el HTMLElement DOM element of the progress bar
config ProgressConfig Progress bar config
rect Rect Progress bar rect,similar to DOMRect
duration number Duration, default 0
rotate number Rotate, default 0
live boolean Whether it is live mode



Update the size of the progress bar, which is generally called when modifying the size and position of the container to prevent misalignment of elements in the progress bar.

updateSize(): void;


Update the rotation degree of the progress bar.

updateRotate(r: 0 | 90 | -90): void


update duration.

updateDuration(duration?: number): void


Update the config of the progress bar. The config can be partially updated and are generally used when switching videos.

updateConfig(config?: Partial<ProgressConfig>): void


To update the position of the marker, it can be changed over time during the live broadcast, you can use this function. The parameter is a relative time, indicating how much time distance all markers move.

updateMarkerPosition(relativeTime: number): void


Update playback progress.

updatePlayed(time: number): void


Update buffer progress.

updateBuffer(time: number): void


Update hover progress.

updateHover(time: number): void


Destroy the progress bar.

destroy(): void


Name Description
markerClick The marker was clicked, the parameter is the marker object
dragging The progress bar is being dragged, frequently triggered
dragend Drag end
mousemove The mouse moves on the progress bar, which is triggered frequently
mouseleave Mouse leave