Git is difficult for a lot of people, but it makes the world a much better place. Here's a collection of helpful resources and tutorials.
- abrennecFilmuniversitaet Babelsberg
- AHerodWroclaw, PL
- alesandrogUniversidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
- antonporsbjer
- Asplund86
- athougSaudi Arabia
- byteshivaanywhere
- cbokiFrance
- danmaster01Nigeria
- danversBielefeld University
- dee-me-tree-or-love
- develio
- eyeofparadoxEye of Paradox
- gauravmehla@devblogs
- joeljacobdevDelhi
- karthik-duraiBengaluru
- koji@Opentrons
- lumberjon
- ManuelMiranda99
- NishiGabaIndia
- punitsoniWaymo
- pwelch@github
- rafaelbailoTU/e – Eindhoven University of Technology
- sdballCribl
- sifhgDenmark
- sinbrive
- tatecarson
- VhndareeRewe Digital