
Suricata Docker container.

Primary LanguageShell

# Suricata IDS

Docker image inheritance:
 * shift/ubuntu:15.04
 * ubuntu:15.04

## Volumes

The following are exported:
 * /etc/suricata
 * /etc/suricata/rules
 * /var/log/suricata

## Ports


## Example usage

docker run --name=suricata --net=host --privileged=true \
  -e DEVICE=eth0 \
  -v /srv/suricata/volumes/suricata:/etc/suricata \
  -v /srv/suricata/volumes/suricata/rules:/etc/suricata/rules \
  -v /srv/suricata/volumes/logs/:/var/log/suricata \
-d shift/suricata 

The container can take the following commands:
 * update - Runs oinkmaster.
 * build-info - Outputs the build information for Suricata.
 * shell - Bash shell

Given no params it will start Suricata.