
GitHub workflow action to delete orphan aws CloudFormation stacks

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Delete orphan CloudFormation stacks action

version version

This action deletes all cloudformation xx/pr stacks in the provided region with the given name prefix when there's no corresponding branch.
The stage is transformed from the branch name (eg. #85-my-feature > xx85 / pr85).
master/main stack is always ignored.

Make sure your CloudFormation Stacks are fully deletable (if autoDeleteBuckets=true also autoDeleteItems, etc.)




Required string The github access token with scope repo


Required string The prefix of the stack names to delete.


Optional JSON String Array of stack identifiers to ignore. master and main stack is always ignored.


Optional boolean default false. If true no stacks will be deleted. Only output the detected orphans.

Example workflow step config

- name: Configure AWS Credentials
  uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v4
    role-to-assume: 'arn:aws:iam::{ACCOUNT_ID}:role/{ROLE_NAME}'
    aws-region: {AWS_REGION}
- name: Delete Orphan Stacks
  uses: shiftcode/delete-orphan-cfn-stacks-action@v0.0.X
    githubToken: 'ghp_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    stackNamePrefix: 'ch-website'
    ignoreStacks: '["xx1"]'


  • if there are stacks in multiple regions: use both actions two times with their corresponding region.
  • if working with assumedRoles and aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v1 the policy statement for the static iam user needs to have the actions "sts:AssumeRole AND sts:TagSession allowed on the role to assume. The Trust relationship of the assumed role needs to allow those actions for the assuming user.



To test the action locally: call index.js with the env vars for the action inputs and repo name:
GITHUB_REPOSITORY="shiftcode/my-repo" INPUT_STACKNAMEPREFIX="ch-website" INPUT_GITHUBTOKEN="ghp_xxx"" INPUT_IGNORESTACKS="[]" node ./dist/index.js

new version

  1. implement your changes
  2. commit with npx commit
  3. set tag git tag -a -m "my fancy release" v0.0.X
  4. push with tags git push --follow-tags