
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Bitbucket Pipelines Pipe: Scribe evidence generator

Scribe support evidence collecting and integrity verification for Bitbucket pipelines.

YAML Definition

Add the following snippet to the script section of your bitbucket-pipelines.yml file:

- pipe: scribe-security/valint-pipe:1.1.0
    COMMAND_NAME: "<string>" # 'bom', 'slsa', 'evidence' or 'verify'.
    TARGET: "<string>"
    # VERBOSE: "<string>" # Optional
    # CONFIG:"<string>" # Optional
    # FORMAT: "<string>" # Optional
    # INPUT_FORMAT: "<string>" # Optional
    # OUTPUT_DIRECTORY: --output-directory # Optional
    # OUTPUT_FILE: "<string>" # Optional
    # LABEL: "<string>" # Optional
    # ENV: "<string>" # Optional
    # FILTER_REGEX: "<string>" # Optional
    # FILTER_SCOPE: "<string>" # Optional
    # PACKAGE_TYPE: "<string>" # Optional
    # PACKAGE_GROUP: "<string>" # Optional
    # FORCE: --force # Optional
    # GIT_BRANCH: "<string>" # Optional
    # GIT_COMMIT: "<string>" # Optional
    # GIT_TAG: "<string>" # Optional
    # ATTEST_CONFIG: "<string>" # Optional
    # ATTEST_DEFAULT: "<string>" # Optional
    # SCRIBE_ENABLE: "<boolean>" # Optional
    # SCRIBE_CLIENT_ID: "<string>" # Optional
    # SCRIBE_CLIENT_SECRET: "<string>" # Optional
    # ATTESTATION: "<string>" # Optional
    # COMPONENTS: "<string>" # Optional
    # OCI: "<boolean>" # Optional
    # OCI_REPO: "<string>" # Optional
    # BUNDLE: "<string>" # Optional
    # COMMON_NAME: "<string>" # Optional
    # EMAIL: "<string>" # Optional
    # RULE: "<string>" # Optional
    # SKIP_BUNDLE: "<boolean>" # Optional
    # SKIP_REPORT: "<boolean>" # Optional
    # URI: --uri
    # ALLOW_EXPIRED: "<string>" # Optional
    # BACKOFF: "<string>" # Optional
    # CA: "<string>" # Optional
    # CACHE_ENABLE: "<string>" # Optional
    # CERT: "<string>" # Optional
    # KEY: "<string>" # Optional
    # CONTEXT_DIR: "<string>" # Optional
    # CRL: "<string>" # Optional
    # CRL_FULL_CHAIN: "<string>" # Optional
    # DELIVERABLE: "<string>" # Optional
    # DEPTH: "<integer>" # Optional
    # DISABLE_CRL: "<boolean>" # Optional
    # FILTER_SCOPE: "<string>" # Optional
    # GIT_TAG: "<string>" # Optional
    # LEVEL: "<string>" # Optional
    # LOG_CONTEXT: "<string>" # Optional
    # LOG_FILE: "<string>" # Optional
    # PREDICATE_TYPE: "<string>" # Optional
    # PRODUCT_KEY: "<string>" # Optional
    # PRODUCT_VERSION: "<string>" # Optional
    # RULE_ARGS: "<string>" # Optional
    # SCRIBE_AUTH_AUDIENCE: "<string>" # Optional
    # SCRIBE_URL: "<string>" # Optional
    # STRUCTURED: "<string>" # Optional
    # TIMEOUT: "<string>" # Optional

Required Variables

Variable Usage
COMMAND_NAME Name of the command to execute (bom, slsa, evidence, verify)

Common Variables

Flags for all valint subcommands

Variable Usage Default
ALLOW_EXPIRED Allow expired certs
ATTEST_CONFIG Attestation config path
ATTEST_DEFAULT Attestation default config, options=[sigstore sigstore-github x509 x509-env] "sigstore"
BACKOFF Backoff duration "15s"
CA x509 CA Chain path
CACHE_ENABLE Enable local cache true
CERT x509 Cert path
CONFIG Configuration file path
CONTEXT_DIR Context dir
CONTEXT_TYPE CI context type, options=[jenkins github circleci azure gitlab travis tekton bitbucket local] "local"
CRL x509 CRL path
CRL_FULL_CHAIN Enable Full chain CRL verification
DELIVERABLE Mark as deliverable, options=[true, false]
DEPTH Git clone depth
DISABLE_CRL Disable certificate revocation verification
ENV Environment keys to include in sbom
FILTER_REGEX Filter out files by regex [/*.pyc,/.git/**]
FILTER_SCOPE Filter packages by scope
GIT_BRANCH Git branch in the repository
GIT_COMMIT Git commit hash in the repository
GIT_TAG Git tag in the repository
KEY x509 Private key path
LABEL Add Custom labels
LEVEL Log depth level, options=[panic fatal error warning info debug trace]
LOG_CONTEXT Attach context to all logs
LOG_FILE Output log to file
OCI Enable OCI store
OCI_REPO Select OCI custom attestation repo
OUTPUT_DIRECTORY Output directory path "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/valint"
OUTPUT_FILE Output file name
PIPELINE_NAME Pipeline name
PLATFORM Select target platform, examples=windows/armv6, arm64 ..)
POLICY_ARGS Policy arguments []
PREDICATE_TYPE Custom Predicate type (generic evidence format) "http://scribesecurity.com/evidence/generic/v0.1"
QUIET Suppress all logging output
SCRIBE_ENABLE Enable scribe client
SCRIBE_URL Scribe API Url "https://api.scribesecurity.com"
SHOW Print evidence to stdout
STRUCTURED Enable structured logger
TIMEOUT Timeout duration "120s"
VERBOSE Log verbosity level [-v,--verbose=1] = info, [-vv,--verbose=2] = debug

Bom Command Variables

if COMMAND is set to bom:

Variable Usage Default
TARGET (*) Target object name format=[docker:{image:tag}, dir:{dir_path}, git:{git_path}, docker-archive:{archive_path}, oci-archive:archive_path, registry:image:tag]
ATTACH_REGEX Attach files content by regex
AUTHOR_EMAIL Set author email
AUTHOR_NAME Set author name
AUTHOR_PHONE Set author phone
COMPONENTS Select sbom components groups, options=[metadata layers packages syft files dep commits] [metadata,layers,packages,syft,dep,commits]
FORCE Force overwrite cache
FORMAT Evidence format, options=[cyclonedx-json cyclonedx-xml attest-cyclonedx-json statement-cyclonedx-json attest-slsa statement-slsa statement-generic attest-generic] [cyclonedx-json]
PACKAGE_EXCLUDE_TYPE Exclude package type, options=[ruby python javascript java dpkg apk rpm go-module dotnet r-package rust binary sbom nix conan alpm graalvm cocoapods swift dart elixir php erlang github portage haskell kernel]
PACKAGE_GROUP Select package group, options=all
PACKAGE_TYPE Select package type, options=[ruby python javascript java dpkg apk rpm go-module dotnet r-package rust binary sbom nix conan alpm graalvm cocoapods swift dart elixir php erlang github portage haskell kernel] [ruby,python,javascript,java,dpkg,apk,rpm,go-module,dotnet,r-package,rust,binary,sbom,nix,conan,alpm,graalvm,cocoapods,swift,dart,elixir,php,erlang,github,portage,haskell,kernel]
SUPPLIER_EMAIL Set supplier email
SUPPLIER_NAME Set supplier name
SUPPLIER_PHONE Set supplier phone
(*) = required variable.

SLSA Command Variables

if COMMAND is set to slsa:

Variable Usage Default
TARGET (*) Target object name format=[docker:{image:tag}, dir:{dir_path}, git:{git_path}, docker-archive:{archive_path}, oci-archive:archive_path, registry:image:tag]
ALL_ENV Attach all environment variables
BUILD_TYPE Set build type
BUILDER_ID Set builder id
BY_PRODUCT Attach by product path
COMPONENTS Select by products components groups, options=[metadata layers packages syft files dep commits]
EXTERNAL Add build external parameters
FINISHED_ON Set metadata finished time (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ)
FORCE Force overwrite cache
FORMAT Evidence format, options=[statement attest predicate]
INVOCATION Set metadata invocation ID
PREDICATE Import predicate path
STARTED_ON Set metadata started time (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ)
STATEMENT Import statement path
(*) = required variable.

Evidence Command Variables

if COMMAND is set to evidence:

Variable Usage Default
TARGET (*) Target object name format=`[file-path]
COMPRESS Compress content
FORMAT Evidence format, options=[statement attest] [statement]
FORMAT_ENCODING Format encoding
FORMAT_TYPE Format type
FORMAT_VERSION Format version
HELP Show help message
TOOL Tool name
TOOL_VENDOR Tool vendor
TOOL_VERSION Tool version
(*) = required variable.

Verify Command Variables

if COMMAND is set to verify:

Variable Usage Default
ATTESTATION Attestation for target
BUNDLE Policy bundle uri/path (early-availability) "https://github.com/scribe-public/sample-policies"
COMMON_NAME Default policy allowed common names
EMAIL Default policy allowed emails
FORCE Force skip cache
HELP Show help message
INPUT_FORMAT Evidence format, options=[attest-cyclonedx-json attest-slsa statement-slsa statement-cyclonedx-json statement-generic attest-generic] "attest-cyclonedx-json"
RULE Rule configuration file path (early-availability)
SKIP_BUNDLE Skip bundle download
SKIP_REPORT Skip Policy report stage
URI Default policy allowed uris


 - pipe: scribe-security/valint-pipe:1.1.0
    TARGET: busybox:latest
    VERBOSE: 2
    FORCE: "true"

Target types - [target]

Target types are types of artifacts produced and consumed by your supply chain. Using supported targets, you can collect evidence and verify compliance on a range of artifacts.

Fields specified as [target] support the following format.



Sources target-type scheme Description example
Docker Daemon image docker use the Docker daemon docker:busybox:latest
OCI registry image registry use the docker registry directly registry:busybox:latest
Docker archive image docker-archive use a tarball from disk for archives created from "docker save" image
OCI archive image oci-archive tarball from disk for OCI archives oci-archive:path/to/yourimage.tar
Remote git git git remote repository git git:https://github.com/yourrepository.git
Local git git git local repository git git:path/to/yourrepository
Directory dir dir directory path on disk dir:path/to/yourproject
File file file file path on disk file:path/to/yourproject/file

Evidence Stores

Each storer can be used to store, find and download evidence, unifying all the supply chain evidence into a system is an important part to be able to query any subset for policy validation.

Type Description requirement
scribe Evidence is stored on scribe service scribe credentials
OCI Evidence is stored on a remote OCI registry access to a OCI registry

Scribe Evidence store

Scribe evidence store allows you store evidence using scribe Service.

Related Flags:

Note the flag set:


Before you begin

Integrating Scribe Hub with your environment requires the following credentials that are found in the Integrations page. (In your Scribe Hub go to integrations)

  • Client ID
  • Client Secret

Scribe Integration Secrets

  • Set your Scribe credentials as environment variables according to Bitbucket instructions.
  • Use the Scribe custom pipe as shown in the example bellow


    - step:
        name: scribe-bitbucket-pipeline
          - pipe: scribe-security/valint-pipe:1.1.0
              COMMAND_NAME: [bom,slsa,evidence]
              TARGET:  [target]
              FORMAT: [attest, statement]
              SCRIBE_ENABLE: true

          - pipe: scribe-security/valint-pipe:1.1.0
              COMMAND_NAME: verify
              TARGET:  [target]
              INPUT_FORMAT: [attest, statement, attest-slsa, statement-slsa, attest-generic, statement-generic]
              SCRIBE_ENABLE: true

Alternative evidence stores

You can learn more about alternative stores here.

OCI Evidence store Valint supports both storage and verification flows for `attestations` and `statement` objects utilizing OCI registry as an evidence store.

Using OCI registry as an evidence store allows you to upload, download and verify evidence across your supply chain in a seamless manner.

Related flags:

  • OCI Enable OCI store.
  • OCI_REPO - Evidence store location.

Before you begin

Evidence can be stored in any accusable registry.

  • Write access is required for upload (generate).
  • Read access is required for download (verify).

You must first login with the required access privileges to your registry before calling Valint. For example, using docker login command.


    - step:
        name: scribe-bitbucket-oci-pipeline
          - docker login -u $DOCKER_USERNAME -p $DOCKER_PASSWORD [my_registry]
          - pipe: scribe-security/valint-pipe:1.1.0
              COMMAND_NAME: [bom,slsa,evidence]
              TARGET:  [target]
              FORMAT: [attest, statement]
              OCI: true
              OCI_REPO: [oci_repo]

          - pipe: scribe-security/valint-pipe:1.1.0
              COMMAND_NAME: verify
              TARGET:  [target]
              INPUT_FORMAT: [attest, statement, attest-slsa, statement-slsa, attest-generic, statement-generic]
              OCI: true
              OCI_REPO: [oci_repo]

Basic examples

Public registry image (SBOM)

Create SBOM from remote busybox:latest image.

  - pipe: scribe-security/valint-pipe:1.1.0
        COMMAND: bom
        TARGET: busybox:latest
        FORCE: "true"

Public registry image (SLSA)

Create slsa from remote busybox:latest image.

  - pipe: scribe-security/valint-pipe:1.1.0
        COMMAND: slsa
        TARGET: busybox:latest

Attach third-parth Evidence (Evidence)

Include some third-parth tool as evidence

  - pipe: scribe-security/valint-pipe:1.1.0
        COMMAND: evidence
        TARGET: some_security_report.json

Docker built image (SBOM)

Create SBOM for image built by local docker image_name:latest image.

- pipe: scribe-security/valint-pipe:1.1.0
    COMMAND: bom
    TARGET: image_name:latest
    VERBOSE: 2
    FORCE: "true"

Docker built image (SLSA)

Create SLSA for image built by local docker image_name:latest image.

- pipe: scribe-security/valint-pipe:1.1.0
    COMMAND: slsa
    TARGET: image_name:latest
    FORCE: "true"

Private registry image (SBOM)

Create SBOM for image hosted on private registry.

Use docker login to add access.

- pipe: scribe-security/valint-pipe:1.1.0
    COMMAND: bom
    TARGET: scribesecurity.jfrog.io/scribe-docker-local/example:latest
    FORCE: true

Private registry image (SLSA)

Create SLSA for image hosted on private registry.

Use docker login to add access.

- pipe: scribe-security/valint-pipe:1.1.0
    COMMAND: slsa
    TARGET: scribesecurity.jfrog.io/scribe-docker-local/example:latest
    FORCE: true
    VERBOSE: 2

Custom metadata (SBOM)

Custom metadata added to SBOM.

- step:
    name: valint-image-step
      - export test_env=test_env_value
      - pipe: docker://scribesecuriy.jfrog.io/scribe-docker-public-local/valint-pipe:dev-latest
          COMMAND_NAME: bom
          TARGET: busybox:latest
          FORCE: "true"
          ENV: test_env
          LABEL: test_label

Custom metadata (SLSA)

Custom metadata added to SLSA.

- step:
    name: valint-image-step
      - export test_env=test_env_value
      - pipe: docker://scribesecuriy.jfrog.io/scribe-docker-public-local/valint-pipe:dev-latest
          COMMAND_NAME: slsa
          TARGET: busybox:latest
          FORCE: "true"
          ENV: test_env
          LABEL: test_label

Save as artifact SBOM

Using input variable OUTPUT_DIRECTORY or OUTPUT_FILE to export evidence as an artifact.

Use input variable FORMAT to select between supported formats.

- step:
    name: save-artifact-step
      - pipe: docker://scribesecuriy.jfrog.io/scribe-docker-public-local/valint-pipe:dev-latest
          COMMAND_NAME: bom
          OUTPUT_FILE: my_sbom.json
          TARGET: busybox:latest
          FORCE: "true"
      - scribe/**
      - my_sbom.json

Save as artifact SLSA

Using input variable OUTPUT_DIRECTORY or OUTPUT_FILE to export evidence as an artifact.

Use input variable FORMAT to select between supported formats.

- step:
    name: save-artifact-step
      - pipe: docker://scribesecuriy.jfrog.io/scribe-docker-public-local/valint-pipe:dev-latest
          COMMAND_NAME: slsa
          OUTPUT_FILE: my_slsa.json
          TARGET: busybox:latest
          FORCE: "true"
      - scribe/**
      - my_sbom.json

Directory target (SBOM)

Create SBOM from a local directory.

  name: dir-sbom-step
  - mkdir testdir
  - echo "test" > testdir/test.txt
  - pipe: scribe-security/valint-pipe:1.1.0
      COMMAND: bom
      TARGET: dir:./testdir

Directory target (SLSA)

Create SLSA from a local directory.

  name: dir-sbom-step
  - mkdir testdir
  - echo "test" > testdir/test.txt
  - pipe: scribe-security/valint-pipe:1.1.0
      COMMAND: slsa
      TARGET: dir:./testdir

Git target (SBOM)

Create SBOM for mongo-express remote git repository.

- step:
    name: valint-git-step
      - pipe: docker://scribesecuriy.jfrog.io/scribe-docker-public-local/valint-pipe:dev-latest
          COMMAND_NAME: bom
          TARGET: git:https://github.com/mongo-express/mongo-express.git
          VERBOSE: 2
          FORCE: "true"

Create SBOM for local git repository.

    - step:
        name: valint-git-step
          - git clone https://github.com/mongo-express/mongo-express.git scm_mongo_express
          - pipe: docker://scribesecuriy.jfrog.io/scribe-docker-public-local/valint-pipe:dev-latest
              COMMAND_NAME: bom
              TARGET: dir:scm_mongo_express
              VERBOSE: 2
              FORCE: "true"

Git target (SLSA)

Create SLSA for mongo-express remote git repository.

- step:
    name: valint-git-step
      - pipe: docker://scribesecuriy.jfrog.io/scribe-docker-public-local/valint-pipe:dev-latest
          COMMAND_NAME: slsa
          TARGET: git:https://github.com/mongo-express/mongo-express.git
          VERBOSE: 2
          FORCE: "true"

Create SLSA for local git repository.

    - step:
        name: valint-git-step
          - git clone https://github.com/mongo-express/mongo-express.git scm_mongo_express
          - pipe: docker://scribesecuriy.jfrog.io/scribe-docker-public-local/valint-pipe:dev-latest
              COMMAND_NAME: slsa
              TARGET: dir:scm_mongo_express
              VERBOSE: 2
              FORCE: "true"


If you're new to Bitbucket pipelines this link should help you get started:

Bitbucket Pipelines - Get started with Bitbucket Pipelines.


If you'd like help with this pipe, or you have an issue or a feature request, let us know.

If you are reporting an issue, please include:

  • the version of the pipe
  • relevant logs and error messages
  • steps to reproduce

By email or slack, Contact-us.


Copyright (c) 2019 Atlassian and others. Apache 2.0 licensed, see LICENSE file.