
An AI for playing X-Wing in the real world

MIT LicenseMIT

X-Wing AI

An AI for playing X-Wing in the real world.


I have very lofty goals for this. I may or may not be able to do them all right away since I am still learning much of the technology required to do this. But hey, that's half the fun right?

  • Use phone / tablet camera to capture an image of the list you are flying (pilots, upgrades, etc)
  • Leverage Tensorflow to recognize the items in the list and expose the list as data
  • Allow user to create a list they want to fly against (either with cards, similar to list import, or by mannually entering)
  • Enable the AI to auto-build a list to fly against (maybe using one of the many meta tracking apps)
  • Use AR to monitor the state of the game board and instruct the user on how to move AI ships / place asteroids and debris
  • Enable next move hinting
  • Customizable difficulty setting

Want to help?

Do the normal GitHub things, fork, code, create pull request.